India fails again in international beauty peagants

During the period 1994-2000 India marked its name in the world map of fashion industry with two Miss Universe, three Miss World, One Acia Pacific and a few more. In the past 16 years, title wins just dried up, except two or three. Yet the most prestigious titles - Miss Universe and Miss World titles stayed away. Perhaps India is the only country to earn these two elite titles same year twice (in 1994 and 2000). In the recent times, separate contests are conducted to choose Miss India and Miss Universe and they represent India at the respective contents in the international arena. Is it because of bad judgement of the candidates/winners and lack of good training for such a bad performance globally in the recent times, though India has far advanced in fashion industry?

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All these contests are parts of Marketing. Earlier when Indian won these awards Indian that was time when Indian markets are opened for international companies. Know these companies capture Indian market and they have not need of Indian beauty.



I have lost interest in these pageants and do not follow them anymore. Somehow had attraction to it as teenager, when India was making headlines. But as I became feminist day by day, I hate such pageants which do not fit into my idea of feminism anymore. I find them stereotyping the beauty of female.

Earlier we were stereotyped as good or bad based on social expectations of our older generation-docile, timid, good culinary skills, good sacrificial wife, daughter-in-law, mother etc... Now these pageants put totally unrealistic expectations on modern day women--perfect figure, flawless beauty, well trained pseudo intellect answers....So it is caging women in new set of expectations in the name of modernity. 

They are supposed to find talents, award someone who has combination of beauty and brains. But slowly they have been deteriorated t a platform to launch yourself in Bollywood if you do not have a God father in the industry. Bollywood do not rely on female actors  for acting skills. These beauty queens are good candy pops in the movie to attract the crowd.

How many of them really go back to the cause except  a few.

Sandhya Rani Well said Aruna Jee, Point by point is correct - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago
Arunima Singh Thanks - Arunima Singh - 8 years ago


I feel the results matter a lot on the judges for that year's contest and the maturity of the contestants. So, if the Indian contestants are to do well, they need to display maturity.



I watched this this year and it did look good, but it is an entirely different and tough line to be a part of. Sometimes it doesn't make sense. However may be because of no good training India is falling back on world map in this regard. Not a big deal though I guess. It is a completely different channel to be in. A demanding one I feel.



Honestly does it matter at all? because these contests no doubt make a load of cash for its sponsorers but other that a few people judging someone  from another small group of contestants does not make any sense nor does it make any difference to our lives.



Well, to be realistic, India won those pageants through Sushmita Sen, Aishwarya Rai etc. because it had recently opened doors to multinational corporations and the Americans wanted an easy entry in the Indian markets. the reasons for Indians being chosen winners was more based on economic reasons, of course these ladies had talent and beauty both. But since then, we have not won any such pageants does not mean that Indian ladies have stopped becoming beautiful or intelligent.

In any case, do we even need these pageants?? I am not a feminist who is against feminine beauty or anything like that, but there are other ways to prove your beauty and intelligence rather than taking part in such beauty contests whose purpose and objective is simply promoting a few major cosmetic giants and then working as an ambassador advocating rights of women and children in a doubtful manner without doing any real work.

Sandhya Rani Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder :) Each people set their own norms, and it may change over the period. Let us hope, such beauty pageants and its winners provide something good to the society in the distant future - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago

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