Living with expectations or????

It's true, a few expectations keep every human life going. But at several occasions, situations push him to dilemma. His mind will be confused and events prompt him to live in dreams or expectations which may never fulfill. But how long? Unsure? Which one is best - to drag the life in dreams as long as he can with a ray of hope and pray for miracle, or accept the outcomes irrespective of positive or negative effects, mostly in the negative side.

I often feel that it's better to face the negatives rather than living with a confused mind, though with the ray of hopes. Which one would you prefer to choose? 

Category: General Reference

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I do believe in expectation. It's not that I expect to become extremely rich or imagine to  have an extraordinary lifestyle. Neither I expect materialistic happiness from my loved ones nor even too much of emotional care. Yes, I do hope for small sweet happiness not just personally but for all my loved ones who matter the most in my life. When my little wishes get fulfilled I feel extremely delighted and a deep  satisfaction within my heart and remain thankful  to God.

Sandhya Rani It's really great Shampa Jee, to feel delighted when small wishes are fulfilled, and not expecting too much - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago


One has to set expectations to live a life. Otherwise you stay directionless, clueless and with no motivation. But I do feel that once you reach maturity, you should set your own expectations and not let people do it for you. Expectation when set in full awareness is realistic and approachable. It leaves you with sense of accomplishment and boosts you to move with zeal. Unrealistic expectations are bound to fail and doom the spirit



Life needs a direction ,life needs motivation so life definitely needs expectations. When we deviate for our path we try different things to achieve our expectations.we may not achieve all or we may not achieve it perfectly but we will reach our goals.



I for one live sans expectations. I take life as it comes. In this process, I neither have complaints nor regrets.



There is no meaning to life without expectations, aspirations or goals...it may be personal, to do with your children or whatever! But to be focused in life one had to have goals



i dont  belive in expectations


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