A word on your favourite toy during childhood days

In the recent movie I watched - Hello Zindagi, it's mentioned about the favourite toy of childhood. During the summer vacation after standard 2, my aunt presented me a beautiful girl doll which closes its eyes if laid down. I had a few toys in my childhood days. It's not the same days of today when kids play with a roomful of toys. I used to carry my 'sleeping beauty' whenever I am at home, and till I reached 8. Please share a few 'toy memories' of your childhood days.

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My childhood toy was a big teddybear given to me on my birthday. I used to carry it everywhere with me. Even at night I used to sleep by  hugging  it tightly. Even now still i have that toy .



Sounds funny but I tried to make a projector of my own but when it did not work properly I convinced my mother to buy one for me. By the way I had found a few frames of 35 mm film on the way that started it all.



I liked my Samurai Video game a lot and my cricket bats.



My favorite toy in my childhood was a rat, which, when touched will run all over the house until an obstacle comes.Again when the obstacle is removed, again it runs. One of my family relatives presented the toy to me.

Sandhya Rani I thought it's a real rat :) - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago


I didn't have many toys , preferred to play outdoors with other children. However , the only you I can ever remember is a broken down tricycle that belonged to some older cousin in the family and we would take turns to ride it and fight over it :)

Sandhya Rani I strongly believe, new generations won't have nostalgic childhood memories of broken toys and bangles, peacock feathers etc. They are sufficient with everything. May be computer games and characters like Chota Bheem and Dora their nostalgic memories. May be a teddy bear or racing car their favourite toy memory - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago
usha manohar Inspite of the changing lifestyle some things do remain the same. Along with video games and computer my children have preserved most of their picture puzzles , Scrabble board, snake and ladder board etc even the comic books - usha manohar - 8 years ago


When I was a kid, I loved my dolls and barbie dolls. I used to comb their hair and cut their hair with scissors(although that was not a nice thing to do but I did when I was a young kid). I played with my dolls in the small house I made to play in. My favorite toy was a doll and I used to take her with me everywhere. i used to be her teacher and teach her alphabets and numbers. It was a nice thing to do as a kid.

Sandhya Rani Girls love to play with dolls and boys with cars - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago


I loved to play outdoor games. My favourite games were Gilli danda, Playing Kancha ( marbles) and Lattoo ( spinning top) with huge gang of cousins. I was the only girl in our big joint family of 18 cousins, I spent most of the childhood playing games that boys played. The only memory of dolls is one that my grandmother stitched and made for me. 

Sandhya Rani Nice to know, you are the doll of 18 cousins :) - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago


I enjoyed most by making boats of paper and sailing them in rain water. This was my favorite toy and my favorite season was rainy season.

Sandhya Rani I have also sailed so many water boats in the monsoons - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago

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