Why no harthals & violence after demonetization?

India is famed for creating chaos, violence and bandhs for silly things and political parties always back such activities. In the recent times too, following Kavery water issue, we witnessed so much violence, destruction of public and private property etc etc.

It's true whenever a Government brings a reform, opposition party always opposes it, and currently newspapers and channels are fully celebrating the event. Demonetization is the biggest happening of our country in the recent times, and government is facing so much opposition and bad remarks from other political parties, media, etc. But why not even a single case of violence is not reported anywhere? Not even serious demonstrations? Everyone is waiting in banks and ATMs in long queues?

Can I assume black money is the root cause of all violence in our country, and our political parties make well use of it to create chaos whenever necessary? Now with the implementation of blocking high denomination currencies, fund flow has been disrupted. When there is no money, no hartals no destruction of public property.

So doesn't it indirectly mean, though common man is misguided by different political parties 'saying we are doing it for your benefit', actually everything is 'just created' on the power of black money? In Kashmir valley too, almost everything is restored, kids going to school and no gun shots.

Or can you find any other reason too? 

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Yes, Black Money is the root cause of all evils in the Society. Modi, determined to flush out Black Money and the Black Money holders. Because of this the real Black Money holders, who are more in number in the Opposition Parties started agitations and Hartals to destabilize the Government. However, the Government is very firm and warned all the Opposition Parties will be strictly dealt with. That's why, there are no agitations of any kind.

Sandhya Rani And only weapon available is 'media' and that's what we see around - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago
rambabu Yes, media is the only weapon, being effectively used by the gitators. But no body believes the Media. People have firm faith in the Government. - rambabu - 8 years ago
Sandhya Rani But I have many friends too who advocate with same points... long queue for poor people only, why not Malliayas n Ambanis. Today I had an open debate with an FB friend of mine. At last she couldn't stand before my ideas. Yes I told, Ambani and rich people use online transactions and cards for their purchases. That's why they are not standing before ATMs. You can go to my fb page to watch that debate live, I shall provide you the links. - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago
Sandhya Rani I asked, if we are willing to stand in queue to get our voter ids and cast our vote to choose a candidate to fullfill our dreams, then why can't we queue before ATM with the same hope to get a better future tomorrow. :) She stopped debate and flew away wishing for a better India ...hahaha... - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago

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People are fed up of black money and it's menace which had been left to grow for so many decades . Black money is the root cause of corruption and terror funding so, when that is cut off automatically things stabilize. But believe me, it is not permanent because, today itself a bundle of fake new 2000 notes were confiscated in Gujarat which goes to show how greedy and criminal minded some people are. It will only become worse in day to come. More steps are needed 

Sandhya Rani Fake 2000 notes? Unbelievable. Fb, newspapers and channels are filled with coloured stories, which discourages me to watch them. People will only go panic when they are misguided by media. Hope everything will be fine once Modi moves on to his next step with Demonetization. Many people are disapproving Modi's sudden move, long queues etc. Yes, everyone wants to see Indian corruption free, but without efforts from their side..... Long queue at banks for two days is an international problem now! - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago
usha manohar The opposition is making sure that they arm twist the govt to roll back demonitization because it has hit them really hard, so now want to go oon their proposed National Bandh on the 28th.It wd be interesting to see how much support they will get. - usha manohar - 8 years ago


Now my confusion and questions gone....:)  It's Hartal in Kerala on Monday. Ruling party has declared it. It's the same party and CM which was not willing to give 2 or 3 hours for Atham preparation for Onam celebrations during Office hours. They asked employees to do Pookkalam after office time if they want so. The same government has declared Harthal on Monday, and no government offices will function for one full day. Real comedy.  I am not sure if it will be a nationwide Harthal on Monday.

I would like to add a few more points here.

Through the facebook pages and media news, I feel that the state which opposes PM's Demonetization most is India's most literate state, state with good standard of living, not a clear line between rich and poor and almost half the population belonging to middle class. Some posts in fb and trolls really shocks me, as they belong to literate and responsible citizens, who want India to develop, but not willing to wait in queues. Most of them are worry why only poor men in queue.

Two days back, Mohanlal who shattered all box office records of Malayalam cinema in the recent times, made a post supporting Modi move. I wonder why, now every Modi haters have left him and fall as prey on this great actor, who expressed his positive views on the move. When he asked, if we are willing to stand in long queues before temples, why not before banks. It didn't go well with many, and it's well reflected in social media. Is it intolerance? I have not read anywhere so about Bollywood actors who supported the move.

I thought a lot and answer is so easy. Kerala is now ruling by CPI (M) and opposition party is Congress. BJP has just opened their account in Kerala. When ruling and opposition stand together against the move, what Modi supporters can do here? That's the huge reason of Hungama here. The current picture of Kerala is entirely different from other parts of the country.

Today a great breaking news in Kerala. It's not related to politics or Demonetization. A celebrated wedding of the most celebrated onscreen couple of Malayalam of the past 18 years, super star Dileep and Kavya Madhavan. Both are divorced and there were rumours of their relationship since early 2000s. There were speculations their first marriages too broke because of this reason. Dileep's wife Manju was the most celebrated female star when they hitched and got married in 1999. Today morning only just a couple of hours before marriage, Dileep posted about his marriage.

Now see, now channels are filled with colourful stories of their relationship and marriage, no worries of common man in queue!!!! It's more surprising news than sudden ban of higher currencies. That's it, media just want some entertaining news to fill prime hours, and full attention has gone to the sudden flash news. Now media will celebrate it for next one week and 'Modi and Demonetization supporters can take rest for a while'. I just wonder, if this marriage has happened yesterday, perhaps Harthal would not have been announced on Monday. Whole spot light would have gone to film stars than politicians. How pathetic the condition of our media is!!!!



Yes the violence and stone pelting has come down post demonetization. Even maoist activities have come down. This clearly shows how these elements were fed and groomed. Now when they are quiet, the opposing parties to this move have called for Bharat Band and hartals. They are here to fill the gap. But many do not support it and it might not work. However, in Kerela and WB, it might work due to ruling parties. Well, it might hopefully indicate these states to vote wisely next time

Sandhya Rani Most ridiculous... The day morning on that significant announcement, both ruling and opposition party threw mud on each other about several allegations on co-operative bank sector of Kerala. But now both parties joint hands together for harthal for co-operative banks. When money is the problem, that;s ethics, what left and what right. Now both saying no irregularities in this rural banking sector...haha. When IT officers did a raid at a branch at Kochi, they were not allowed to do so. If they have nothing to hide, why couldn't they face IT raids? - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago
Sandhya Rani Most ridiculous... The day morning on that significant announcement, both ruling and opposition party threw mud on each other about several allegations on co-operative bank sector of Kerala. But now both parties joint hands together for harthal for co-operative banks. When money is the problem, that;s ethics, what left and what right. Now both saying no irregularities in this rural banking sector...haha. When IT officers did a raid at a branch at Kochi, they were not allowed to do so. If they have nothing to hide, why couldn't they face IT raids? - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago
Sandhya Rani Exactly on the same night when Modi made announcement, many co-operative banks of Thrissur worked till late night, and crores of transactions were done that single night. It's not the case of Thrissur only. It includes some big guns... That's why so such hungama, and milking poor man saying we are seeing your problems....You cant take/exchange money from co-operative banks etc etc. - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago

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