Sunrise or Sunset? Which is more beautiful?

Definitely earth looks beautiful at both these times - Early mornings and during sunset. Dawn gives us new hopes and freshness of a day while dusk gives a promise to return back next day. Evenings give us time to give away our burdens........Which one is more beautiful? Or Which you like most?


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It is difficult to choose any one, because they are both beautiful and special in their own ways, but I like evening slightly better because watching setting sun is a great experience and dusk has a very calming effect !



I am actually a laid back person and also love to work late night. If there is no hurry then I would never get up early to watch sunrise though both are naturally beautiful. Thus, evening time is my favourite time and with it I can conclude that I love sunset. 



Both sun rise and Sunset  are beautiful in their own respect. Both are spectacles that make us rejuvenated. And they are a spectacle to watch which leave an impression 




Sunrise and sunset; both are beautiful, but I love sunset more than sunrise. I am not sure why. May be I have seen more sunset than sunrise. The colorful twilight was always my weakness. I still have the memories of some unforgettable evenings of my college days; those youthful moments when twilight allured me like a fairy with its enchanting beauty and magnetism. Still I love the mesmerizing beauty of sunset. Twilight is not the senility of day; it is the infancy of night.



Sunset look beautiful at hill station or on sea beach. I like sunrise. Begining of new day full with hope.

Sandhya Rani A NEW ANSWERRR - Sandhya Rani - 9 years ago


I like sunset more. The red Sun in the evening is delightful to me. 



The beauty is hidden in the eyes of the onlooker. The things look the way how you look at things.

Sandhya Rani how do ur eyes look at???? - Sandhya Rani - 9 years ago
suni51 Depends upon weather. If it's hazy then none will look bright. - suni51 - 9 years ago
Sandhya Rani is weather bright right now???? - Sandhya Rani - 9 years ago


Both are brightest things which is given by GOD to us. To choose one, i would choose Sunrise. New day brings new things in life and that is important.



I like them both but i like Sunrise 1% more than Sunset.



Both are beautiful. We cannot say which eye is you love. Similarly they have their own beauty.



Both Sunrise and Sunset are beautiful. Sunrise can be enjoyed if one can enjoy its warmth, exercise and do yoga on one's terrace or open spaces. Sunrise is also used by many to walk, jog or cycling. Sunset is good to watch and enjoy the day coming to an end only to give rise to another day.

I personally find evening (Sunset) very pleasing as it is the time when the atmosphere is relaxed and one can reflect on the day's passage and what transpired over the day.



I love both sunrise and sunset. The biological clock of my family goes with the sun. We are early to bed and early to rise family. I relate beautifully to sunrise as my name has a meaning in it. Arunima is early rays of sun. A new sunrise brings out a new hope for a new start, a new day in the journey of life with new promises, new opportunities and new experiences. While watching a sunset, I feel like drawing a conclusion to my whole day. I generally watch sunset with my evening tea on my terrace. I use the moment as a moment of introspection.

Both have their own beauty and their own inspiration.



Sun rise and Sunset both are beautiful in their own beauty.

But, I love Sunset to see on sea beach with my dear ones. I really enjoying it.


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