Why liquors are not made with sweet odour?

In present day market everything is available in distinct tastes and adours. Yet why people still prefer to use liquor products with bad odour....... Why no company is promoting liquors with good smell and adour. I Often wonder how people manage to drink many glasses of this liquid which smells badly!!!!

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Liqor has its own distinctive smell and those who like it find it quite appealing, so there is no question of changing or masking the smell...For those who do not like the smell, all that is to be done is to stay away !!! Everything shd be given a chance to be in its own natural form , be it perfume . soft drinks or liqor rather than change its texture , smell etc...


The unique smell of the liquor is due to fermentation of the ingredients and the distillation process. Forget about the smell, it is the power of the content that matters. “Content is king!” Main purpose of drinking this ‘poison’ is intoxication, and the drunkards are least bothered about the smell. Manufacturers are also aware that a sweet aroma cannot do any magic. For those people who don’t like the smell, a soft drink or fruit juice will be the best choice. Cheers!!!
Sandhya Rani nice reply - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


The bad smell is for the non drinkers. However some drinks smell more than others. Gin, beer and white rum do not smell so strong.


Liquors are made through process of fermentation which gives them that particular odor. Some people may find it unpleasant, but a well brewed wine or other kind of liquor does smell good. Of course, if you are already prejudiced with the notion that all liquors are bad, you will find the smell bad. I personally enjoy aroma of some kinds of good wines!


I know where this is coming from. Since, every thing now comes with different flavours and smell like deo, perfume, cologne, talcum powder, why not liquor? Isn't it? I think this will happen in the coming years i guess and non-drinkers will soon join the bandwagon of drinkers. Also, I have heard there are cigarettes available with sweet smell and cigarette available which if smoked gives out different colors. Nothing in impossible in this era.


Good or bad is a relative term . Not absolute. The bad taste or smell. Which is of your disliking, may be good to others. And viceVersa .
Sandhya Rani really....i cant tolerate its bad smell - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


Alcohol has its own smell. While consuming alcohol drinks the strong bad odor is produced by skin. It leaves a noticeable bad breath. 



I have not any experience of taste of alcohol but I know it is not bitter and have bad smell. I read that  liquar which was with recepies of some royal families  of Rajasthan have not bad smell. 



The bitter and sour smell of fermentation keeps alcohol unique from other beverages. Other than hard liquours I guess the wines specially red wines has sweet smell as they are made from fruits. 


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