Return of help from someone else in other form.....

Whenever I help someone without expecting anything in return, I have a feeling that I will get it back from someone else in another form. most often unexpectedly even from a stranger. I never expect the same person to give it back. Is it true? Do you also feel the same? Good or bad, does life gives us everything in return and pays everything for our deeds?

Category: General Reference

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Excuse me for saying this but you say you help without expoecting anything and go on to say that you feel you will get it back from someone else... I personally feel that we should do what we can only when we want to do so, not out of compulsion or because we need favors from others .
Sandhya Rani As Gulshanji said, I too forget what I have done for someone..may be a stranger or known person. Afterall who gets time to remember those silly things if helps given are so simple. But very often I get help from unknown persons unexpectedly which even surprises me at some occasions. I am a person who never easily forget helps received. So I often think may be because I may have also helped someone though I can't recollect. - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


I usually forget after helping somebody. The question of expecting anything in return simply does not arise.


I think when you have said that after helping someone you feel that you will be returned a favor in another form is nothing but helping others with an expectation.
This is a natural human tendency to give and take and expect a return even for a small favor. I don't remember getting paid in terms of favors for a good deed I have done, but I have immediately received a punishment for a bad deed done whether intentional or unintentional. So I guess if we do good deeds it does come back may be...what goes comes back.
Sandhya Rani You got my question right....and I liked your answer. The other side of the same coin.... - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


Yes, I do believe in cause and effect. Every action you do, good or bad, should bring its corresponding results. No force in this universe can prevent an action from producing its fruits. The result may yield immediately or after a long time and in a different form; but it should happen. It is always good to do good thing without even having a sensation about the reward.
Sandhya Rani I think you read old religious books like Bhagavath Gita a lot - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago
Kalyani Nandurkar Reading Bhagvad Geeta is a good idea even for young people like us because it has nothing but the guiding principles of life. For skeptics who refuse to acknoledge Bhagwad Geeta can refer to Newton's Third Law of Motion - for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. So if the action is good, the reaction to it will also be good! - Kalyani Nandurkar - 10 years ago
RAMAKRISHNAN. A The only difference is that Newton’s law is applicable to physical objects; whereas the law of karma in our scriptures holds good for everything, including our actions, thoughts and words. - RAMAKRISHNAN. A - 10 years ago
Sandhya Rani nice thought.... - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago

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In case you feel so great after getting help from others you're welcome to pay in cash. Or if you do not pay in cash you can always 3 other persons and tell them to help three more needy ones.
Sandhya Rani Jai ho!!!!! I have seen that movie.....Actually the movie gives a good message to society - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


It is my opinion that 'what goes around, comes around' It could be in any form and from any one, even a stranger, a simple act of kindness or understanding or actual help, anything. But while helping we must never dwell on its returns, but like Kabir says 'neki kar aur kuen mein daal'. If we do good, we get good!


If you want to better life, never took expectation from anyone. This is only the solution for making life easily because when our expectations are not completed, we become harder than before.


Helping and forgetting about the help rendered is the noblest thing. But halving somebody expecting returns is not.


Actually its not in our hand if the same person returns it back. What I do is do good for others and forget. I know if I will expect good from that person I will be disappointed.



We can't expect any person help during urgency because every people in this world is busy in their work and didn't have much time to spend for others. Time decides everything. I personally didn't get any help from the persons whom i have helped but sometimes i get help from the unknown person during urgency time. So i believe the concept of if you help some persons definitely some body will help you. 

Sandhya Rani so nice of you - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


Yes, I too feel the same, but the feeling of happiness comes first as it for our joy we help strangers and not for anything in return.


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