Only Dark Clouds can rain.....

Then why poets describe dark clouds as shadows of sorrows and white clouds as the 'beauty of life' of mankind. Why do, everyone including we people neglect the fact that white cloud is only a lust and only dark clouds can comfort us in the form of rain, though it is accompanied by thunder and lightening. Are we afraid of its colour and shoutings, though they are meant so only to benefit us and for our happiness......?

Category: General Reference

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Since childhood we are taught to believe that anything white is pure and anything dark is murky and evil and sad. Hence, most of us consider dark clouds as shadow of sorrow and white clouds as a sign of happiness. It is ingrained in us that dark are evils, for examples angels are shown dressed in whites and devils are often dress in black.
Sandhya Rani Very nice reply..am impressed - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


It's a wrong belief about the colors that black is bad and white is good. Don't forget that Krishna was black and not one but 16000 Gopicas were after him.
Sandhya Rani ya..i know..yet we cant deny the fact that very often we forget the hidden beauty of black
- Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


Poetry and physics do not match. A botanist and a poet will see flower from different angles.
Sandhya Rani hahaha - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


Rain is good for us. Just forget about rain and imagine it as the tears of the clouds. Tears are the result of sorrows; here the sorrows of the dark shadows. Tears cannot bring us benefit or happiness…….. It is just poetic imagination and simile but has nothing to do with physical reality.



It is wrong thought. Color should not make anything.

Sandhya Rani but it's not true with d real world...my friend - Sandhya Rani - 9 years ago


Black clouds gave us pleasure in summer when we are wet with sweat. Black is most likable color for party wearing. than how black in good one.


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