School Life or College Life? Which one influences a person most?

I can't deny the fact that my school days are really nostalgic for me. But if someone ask me, which one comes to your memories very often, I have to agree, yes it's college life. Early childhood play a significant role in the mental development of a person and childhood memories never fade away easily. Teens and youthful days - also form a significant phase of one's life. But if I ask you to choose anyone what's your answer? For humans as common, school life or college life - which one shapes the personality of a person and which one influences him most?

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I am convinced that college life is what shapes a person much more than school life, although school life encompasses a major chunk of a person's formative years, he or she is more a person who reflects his or her peers, teachers and other people of influence. But college life is when our opinions are quite developed and we have grown as an adult, seeing the world with our own eyes. It is during these years that we begin to realise definite things we want for us and the ways to achieve those. Hence in my opinion, college years are more influential. At least in my case, I would give more credit to my college years than to school days.
Sandhya Rani In my case too.....
Ya, it's 100% true...during our school days, we follow someone's steps..may be parents or teachers and we believe that their path is right. Just after 16 or 18, we start thinking independently and many persons may influence our thoughts and dreams a lot at this stage....and it's actually during this stage when we understand ourselves better, desire what to do in future and so....Earlier during our childhood, dreams to become a doctor or teacher is just an extension of our parents dreams, what they want us to become....
- Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


It is always the school life since these are formative years and you are already in your mid teens by the time you leave school and your personality has taken shape by then.It is undoubtedly school life that shapes you and your personality and you carry it further during your college days..


Primary school life, especially the one when I joined in class 2 (I started from class 2)for a simple reason- my father's orderly use to carry me on his shoulders as the block school was too far off from the colony we lived in.


It is school life which influences us and shapes our personality. By the time we reach college we have already build the foundation of our personality which only gets an extension in our college life.


School life is the foundation of entire life career. Even college education is based on early school education. I cherish my school education more.


Schools days teaches discipline and decorum. College life gives you the career opportunities. I enjoyed both the life. I think only some people are getting the opportunity to study in college but everybody enjoyed the school life in their living period.
Sandhya Rani Nice - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


For me, School life is better than college life. Because school life is more innocent, tension free and politics free.


For me its undoubtedly school life. If i think about that even now i feel very happy about a those days. School days are the period without any worries and stress,having fun with friends,etc... Those days never come again and it cant be replaced by anything in my life.


Always School life is better than College Life.



Both the life's are important,both influence a person life.both are like sailing in two boats at a tym.



School days are the most carefree days and also are the days when ignorance is shed away while starts gaining maturity step by step. On the other hand college days are those days when one learns how to handle maturity and move forward. Thus, college days are the days when life gets a direction and one starts following it.



In my case, similar to Kalyani, college life has influenced a lot than my school life and still I am the same person while I was at college, not the same shy and introvert girl at school. During school days though I was brilliant in studies, nothing else was in my mind, less talkative, less friends circle and not enough courage to express what I carried in mind. I left my thoughts for parents and well-wishers. But by professional college life (my graduation) made me a very new person and it's the same person in front of you..the person who believes in expressing ideas, her own individual thoughts and so on....Those three years shaped my behaviour and character a lot, which still surprises my school friends. It's nothing short of a rebirth!!!


school life is better.but in case of influence then college life has more influence than anything



School life and college life, both have great influence on human's life. But I think School life has more influence because it is our starting point.



I think College life shapes people as it is that time when people are in their teens and more prone to influence than any other age.



School and college both life are important for me. School education laid down plinth of education and college education constructed building on it.



College life




I feel both are equally important. While school life imparts discipline and commitment, college life teaches us to socialize and take decisions.


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