Why girl kids most in TV ads?

It's not the case of female models only to endorse products, it's the era of female kid models as well. If we closely observe ads on TV or net, we find girls (mostly below 10) to represent cute young kids. Though we hear a lot about female foeticide, partiality to female children in families and child abuses, we can't deny the fact that ad companies prefer young girl models to represent innocent childhood. Young boys are comparatively less. Why so?

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The reasons for female kids are same as for adult models.
Sandhya Rani I can't agree. We represent kids for cuteness and charm, while it's not the case of adult female models - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


Well, the answer is that a girl child can be made to dress like a boy and hence a girl child artist can be employed as both boy and girl. Also, a girl child artist may be a better at dialog delivery. I think this is the reason we have more girl child artist.
Sandhya Rani But how often do we see girls dressed up as boys. In most ads, we see them as cute kids wearing pink frocks or shorts.....Nw i remember, there was one female child artist of Hindi cinema, who was dressed up like a boy by her mother and even directors couldn't point out that she is a boy. She played Shah Rukh Khan's son's role in Kabhi alvida na kehna and many more.....Later a movie was also made on her. - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago
Mousumi Ghosh Yes, her name is Kashish and yes her mother dressed her like a boy and I read that the girl didn't know that she was a girl until she went to a school, not sure how far this is true. a good question, although the answer I have given is what I could think of..not sure f any other answers. - Mousumi Ghosh - 10 years ago


Advertising is a business. They are meant to promote business of their clients. This is the reason behind using child artists for Ads irrespective of the gender. Do you remember that cute little girl saying, "My Daddy strongest"? For Boost?
Sandhya Rani But why girls kids more? That's my question - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago
rambabu I'm of the opinion,girl kids are more appealing when it comes to innocence and sincerity. - rambabu - 10 years ago


I think girls are getting more confident as their parents are exposing them to the outer world. Usually that was not the case years ago, girls were not much allowed to speak or do extra activities other than studies (some cases not even studies). I think girls have developed more confidence which makes them good performers, good dancers, good look wise, etc. 




Girls child or mature are more smart that boys, So they can follow instruction of director well than boy child.



These all depends on sponsors of the ads.



Girl kids bring the cuteness to screen and hence are offered more ADs then Boy kids, in my opinion.


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