You will compare seas to .......

"Deep Blue Seas" has a lot of elements of human philosophy as well. If you are given an option to compare 'Sea' - one of the greatest mysteries of earth to anything related to you or human life, what will be your answer?

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I compare a person who's extraordinarily talented and unable to see the sources and secrets of his talent, I will say, He is as deep and boundless as a sea.
Sandhya Rani extraordinary answer..Double thumbs up!!! - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


Deepness of feelings 

Sandhya Rani you became a poet sir, a bit philosophy - Sandhya Rani - 9 years ago
Sandhya Rani you became a poet sir, a bit philosophy - Sandhya Rani - 9 years ago


Deep blue seas are nothing but gallons and gallons of beautiful and colourful life, mountains of floating, dreamy icebergs, a mind boggling array of colours from green to blue...so on and so forth.



I always wished to have a cottage on the beach as for me I always dreamed of discovering some new species of aquatic life.



Sea and sea beaches act as the best companion. I can sit at sea beaches for hours..it is soothing, relaxing, and calming. Sea can teach us a lot that it never takes anything but returns back whatever it takes from us.
Sandhya Rani We cant say Sea never takes anything from us....what about Tsunamis and cyclones, which claim thousands of lives? - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago
Mousumi Ghosh Nature fury is not just limited seas, but we have earthquake too, we have heavy rainfalls, and landlsides too, so nature gives us and takes. - Mousumi Ghosh - 10 years ago


I don't want to talk about myself too much. I hate boasting :)
Sandhya Rani When you are in a sea shore, You feel so? Really interesting..... - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


Life is like a great sea. I don’t know the beginning; I don’t know the end. Waves are falling and rising. Sometimes it is calm and sometimes there is storm. But it is beautiful, and I can reach my goal; because God is in my soul!!



Somebody's talent can be compared to the seas or oceans, to talk about the abundance.


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