Is first impression the best impression?

We often judge people with first impression. Is it always right?

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It is actually wrong to do so because first impression is not always the best. If the meeting is planned and people involved are determined to impress the other one, they will go to any lengths to create a good impression. While on the other hand, if it happens without notice, they may get caught on the wrong foot and may lead to creating an impression which is not a true reflection of what they really are. So I personally do not judge people on first impressions or make up my mind about them, but give them 3 or 4 chances before forming my opinion.
Sandhya Rani yes, you are right. Very often circumstances and personal moods/tensions make a person to behave in a strange way. Actually we may behave differently on different occasions, though it looks strange - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


Depends on different conditions. If it's job interview, First impression contributes a lot. If it's friendship, things will unfold gradually.


Not necessarily, sometimes you do not get the exact idea but you just keep observing a person until you get fully satisfied. In case you go by the first impression it may prove you wrong at a later stage.


Certainly not..first impression may or may not be the best impressions..it is only after more than 3-4 interactions that we get to know what a person is like and only then we can form an opinion about that person.
Sandhya Rani If you are appearing for a job interview, this proverb suits you best.....We need to impress them to get a job, but it doesn't mean you are the best..... Otherwise, a few more meetings are necessarily needed to know one. Yet, we can't fully read a human mind , it has some limitations....... - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago
Mousumi Ghosh Very true... I agree we have to show our best in a job interview, because an interview is a scheduled meeting for which we are mentally ready and try to give our best. - Mousumi Ghosh - 10 years ago


Sometimes our first impressions can turn right but not always so.However, whether first impressions tend to be negative or positive, we still need to wait and see before making any judgments about people, things or anything for that matter


I believe that first impression is always a best impression. But, some time the circumstance plays a main role on judging the person. So, always needs to have some meetings before judging the person.


I believe in first impression is the best impression



may be it is right in most of the cases.but it wrong in some cases



May be first impression is the best impression in some cases, but it depends on the situation. Some great personalities have not good impressions at their starting days but proved that they are great.



Yes, first impression is best impression. I believe in this. By seeing the person at first time we get some opinion. Later we may know and change the opinion but first impression will be as it is


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