What's the significance of God in the creation of Universe?

As per religions - Hinduism, Christianity or Islam, the world is created by God. But now many theories like Big Bang theory have given an entirely different hypothesis, where God actually doesn't exist! To which category do you fall to? Theory of science or religions?

Actually, I can't completely place myself to anyone of those beliefs. Like many unsolved puzzles like life after death, I could really believe what exists today only. Yet I believe that above the universe, a natural force do exists which controls the whole world and I call him - God, though I am not sure if he is the person responsible for the creation of this wonderful earth, life and universe as written in Puranas and Holy Bible.......

Category: General Reference

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Though religios books of all religions say, god created the universe, historians and archilogical say from their researches say, there was no religion at all. The caveman did not belong to any religion. His religion or god and everything is NATURE , because ,nature has given him food to eat and shelter to live.




God is a hypothetical entity. This has been conceived on the belief that there must be some maker of everything. so God is perceived as 'creator'. Then we also need to know who created God. Science tries to solve the mystery of universe but owing to liitd capacity of human beings, search for truth can never end to finality for the simple reason that universe is infinate in terms of space and time.


Even I completely don't fall under any one category of believers or non-believers, science has reason and rest is considered as myth. Hence more people choose to go by reason. But I still put aside reason and science aside at times and choose to believe that there is a supreme being who has created this world and without whom the life on Earth would not have existed.
Sandhya Rani Surprisingly Vishnu Purana - which tells about different avatars of Vishnu (from Malsa to Varaha to Narasimha to other forms) matches with the theories of evolution. Modern theories also believe that life started in water... and other creatures evolved as a transformation from water to land.....Hindu Puranas were written centuries before actual discussions of evolution started among the scientists......So, we should also believe the presence of God in creativity, though it has not been proved by scientific methods. But puranas are a combination of myths and realities, most of them which appear strange to present day human in the world of science. - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago
Mousumi Ghosh What science and scientists can't prove it is termed as myth but there are certain things beyond science which cannot be explained with reason. - Mousumi Ghosh - 10 years ago
Sandhya Rani Ya right. Same is the case of life after death.....Though there are many hypothesis about re-birth and journey of soul, there is no solid evidence. But such things are clearly told in epics and puranas, which scientists tag as 'myth' or fairy tales.... - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


I read in a newspaper today Pope saying do not believe God has a magic wand in his hands and he also thinks evolution and Big Bang are real. I am not a believer but I have my faith in Mother Nature, after all there is a force that runs this world. (I also stand in front of Ma Durga everyday as center of symbol of my faith)
Sandhya Rani I started this discussion after reading that news..... - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


Nature ( some may call it God ) is supreme and human minds have still not come around to solving the mystery of universe and life itself. God and Religion are man made institutions and have both regularised and caused havoc to the society. What is far more important is to make sure that the system created by nature remains untampered and human beings live by the rule of nature rather than man made god.


I believe in god very much,god means trust,sometimes you want to do onething but the suituation is you ccannot do that ,now you start thinking are pray to it should happen plzzzplzz,in that time someone help you,here the someone is send by god.



We are far away in term of science. If we look by eyes of science it looks not possible. But I go with religion because Existence of religion is longer as compare to our modern science.



I believe in God, and I have believe in what science says too. Lol.. Don't know how to answer it properly but you should know the feeling. Its like mind and heart, both have different things to say.



There was no creation at all. The universe was already there which was involved in a finer form. After a period of existence in that finer form, when time comes, it became manifested or evolved into grosser form what we call the present universe. It will again go back to that finer form after a definite period. The whole cycle of processes will repeat forever through eternity. It is synonymous to “Seed-Tree-Seed” phenomena.   But where is God? Since something cannot come out of nothing, we can say that it was God that was originally involved in that finer form.


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