What's that 'achieve something'?

All of us have different ambitions and entirely different destinations. Yet everyone dreams to achieve something in his life. Some dreams to earn money while some others good position, good family life etc etc. If I give you some choices, which will make you more happier? Be honest......

1. Crores of money in a lottery ticket

2. MD position of the organization you work

3. Happy and peaceful family life

4. Become famous to achieve celebrity status - may be actor, singer, writer, politician etc (any dream of your life)

5. Your lost love

Actually what's one's real happiness of life? For which one do you pray most?

Also sort the above choices in your preference......

Category: General Reference

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I think if would have been more fun if you had asked us to order the options given as per our choice.
My answer to your question is that I would want point 3- Happy and peaceful family life.
But if I have to order the options, this is what I want:
3, 1, 2, 4 minus point 5 ..:)
Sandhya Rani Ok, i shall do it right nw madammmm - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago
Sandhya Rani BTW, you dont want to find your lost love???? hihi - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago
Mousumi Ghosh ha..haa..my love is already in my life..so no finding lost love..if I do try to find lost love..point 3 will be disturbed ;). - Mousumi Ghosh - 10 years ago
Sandhya Rani No problem......Yet you can try.....:) - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago

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I would frankly say that I want the money since I am content and anyway 2,4 and 5 dont matter to me , so why not have money to make life better ?
Sandhya Rani Definitely you are honest..... - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


Happiness lies in living according to your nature. When you choose your subject, job, spouse etc compatible to your personaity, interest or aptitude, you are happy. Normally you need everything- career, family and social life. But if you are very obsessed with a single object, others are irrelevant. for example, someone very intensively involved in scienific rsearch will ignore family life.
Sandhya Rani It's a very nice reply....Best among the all above for sure. Thank you..... - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


may be i opt to option2, as it is my dream,and it gives me satifaction in working



I want all of these, why should I leave any of these for others?
Sandhya Rani yet u need to choose one, otherwise you wont get '+1' vote.... - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago
suni51 When I am getting all, why should I care for 1 :) - suni51 - 10 years ago
Sandhya Rani i am going to vote you down grrrrrrrr..... - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


A stage in everybody's life comes, when nothing matters except health. What's the use of your wealth for which toiled all along your life losing family life, relations etc ? All you have earned will be spent on medical bills ? It's not my way of life.



Option 3: Happy and peaceful family life is the best choice. Happy and peaceful means at the same time healthy and wealthy, without which there will not be any happiness or peace. So I am ignoring all other options.


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