Which state will you choose?

Today when I went out for a shopping, I saw a poor person below 30. But I think he is affected by polio. Both his legs are almost disabled, and he walked with the help of a stick. Then I kept thinking for a while. Even if he is handicapped, if he leads a worry-free tension-free life, isn't it good? Or is it good to be physically fit, but have some personal problems for one reason or other? I kept thinking......But I reached a conclusion, "No man is free of tensions and sorrows and we should feel happy if we are not handicapped..... For any such problems, we can find a solution today or tomorrow. But it's not the case of such disabled people. They have a lot of limitations comparing normal people. So, I felt myself to be lucky......

So, if you too are given two choices......

1. Physically handicapped or with some mental issues, but a happy life without any troubles or sorrows...

2. No physical issues or mentally handicapped, but a lot of problems.....may be depression, loss of wealth or anything else....that gives you a restless mind always...

Which state will be best for a person to live? Which one would you prefer to choose?

Category: General Reference

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I will go with the second option..any how now I have learned to deal with problems and delays head on. It is easier to deal with problems with a strong physical body I think.


Human nature is such that we want every kind of contentment. We want a proper healthy-life without any diseases and no decraptitude. If I am given a choice that i would have small or less sorrows which I can overcome, I would prefer that instead of a disabled life. Therefore, I would choose the latter option.



I will go for the second options,if everything is ok we can do anything,if we have some physical or mental problems we cannot do somethings which  are important in once life.



I will go with the second option as being physically fit I can deal with any problem mental or physical.
Sandhya Rani all of us has chosen the same option.... - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


Without problems, though handicapped.though handicapped many are enjoying a satisfied life. I prefer a contented life. Other things are not important for me.



Problems are inevitable in life and the purpose of our life is to fight and overcome them. Life is a continuous struggle. With a healthy body and healthy mind we can fight against all odds and experience the different moods of life. Hence the second option will be my first preference.



Obviously, the second option is the better choice. Mental strength gives guts and strength to fight all odds. Hard work will not be limited due to no physical deformity and so one can go to any extent to achieve their dream. This won't be possible with physical and mental limitations. The second choice can give an opportunity to make everything look positive.   



Life is never free of problems, in fact when you through with one, you have another set of problems so I would choose the second option where I am fit and ready to fight ..



No one like to be a disable. it is very easy to say that disables are living happy life, but it is not true. I am disable one, I know the reality. Despite plenty of problem we have to survive till the wish of God. Our Life is not easy. There is only one recognisation of disable it is Apahiz. But few are lucky who success after all limitations. But these are few.

Sandhya Rani ya i remember one of your forum posts two years ago. I think you run a shop - Sandhya Rani - 9 years ago


I would prefer to live in Sikkim or Himachal Pradesh for reasons best known to everyone. Mother Nature has provided enough for every one.
Sandhya Rani That's not my question...You should make choices of these two..... - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago
suni51 Close your eyes and keep a finger on any one. I will accept that - suni51 - 10 years ago
Sandhya Rani How can I answer you choice of mind....? Keep thinking..... and choose one... - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago
suni51 I will take the first option so I could help them with money and opprtunity available to me - suni51 - 10 years ago

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I wil choose the second. If I am physically sound, I shall deal with problems and also come ut of depression.


All of us have our challenges and obstacles to overcome and i would like to see it as addressing and overcoming challenges.



I will go through second option.

Because, You can solve all the problems, if you are fit with physical and mental. 



Life is never going to perfect as you want. We have to deal with extreme conditions everyday. We always try to go towards perfection, that is all about life. Neither i want myself to be handicaped nor want to have tension. But, this is not in my hand. We keep on try all our life to be life, but someday, we have to see bad times. That is the place where you are been tested in your life.




Nobody can live in this world without any problem. Happiness and sorrows are parts of our life. I am ready to suffer, if I am mentally depressed. We can solve this problem quickly. A good prayer can reduce our depression and worries. But being a handicapped....I cannot imagine! If I become a physically challenged person, I am sure that I cannot live a single moment without worries. In such circumstances, it is impossible for me to leave a single day without tears. Therefore, I can say that the second option is better than the first one. 


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