Telling truth - Is it risky or less risky?

Very often, to hide one truth we may need to lie 1000 times. And a single mistake can let the cat out of the bag. So, even if it's a bit difficult to say truth, after that we get peace of mind. But in some cases, telling truths can invite permanent troubles too. In your opinion, which is a sensible and right decision? To express truth only or often take risks by telling lies if situation demands so.....?

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I believe telling the truth is best in case it is done for our near and dear ones..it takes out any fear for once and for all. Hiding something bring in fear in the back of our mind and we are constantly worried, what if the truth is revealed? However, in certain situations where a lie a white lie can better a situation, it is okay to lie. But lying should not become a habit..usually to hide one thing we lie and then to safeguard that lie we have to tell more lies and the vicious circle of lies goes on.


Truth by itself is not so significant. what is significant is end result of what you say or do. Speaking truth should be nomal rule. But when it is duty to tell lie, speaking truth will be disastrous. The corporate and government employes are duty bound to keep secrets and confidentiality. I wonder how a secret service agent can speak the truth.


No matter what it is always better to tell the truth, if someone cannot handle it, it is their problem. If the situation is tricky it is better to keep quiet rather than dress your truth or be diplomatic because it amounts to manipulation ..


I don't care, and that's why I am so unpopular. I always speak truth and only truth.


It depends on the situation, but I prefer telling truth.



of my opinion telling truth always is  little risky.but truthful people has more value than others



It completely depends on the situation.



Not always risky but sometimes telling thruth is risky.



Vedas say, "  Jayate.". Adages say, "Truth Triumphs." but to tell the truth it takes lot of courage, and a coward cannot tell the truth. Because, truth is bitter. If you say truth, there is a risk of straining the relations too.



To tell truth only is a difficult task. Only Harishchandra can do it and get applause from the audience. We have to act depending on the situation. If the truth can harm anybody, then it is better to tell a lie that is harmless.  

Sandhya Rani as told in Bhagavat Gita. Right? - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago


It may seems risky when we tell the truth.. But honestly it is less risky. 



When you tell a lie, you have to tell even more lies to back up your original lie. There is also the risk of being found caught in the act of lying with consequences that would be far more damaging than the damage that could happen with the truth in the first place. So it is always better to tell the truth always, for you don't have to remember what you have said because truth does not change, while lies may change.



Be true and if you have done a mistake accept it truly without thinking anything negative what the other person will respond and mostly he will be positive, even if not continue the practice because in due course you will shine and you will be a respected person and you will try to correct yourself in the process.


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