Seriousness - Depends on one's age or character?

It's true man losses his innocence as his age travel forward.Does man become more serious as age passes by? Or does it depends on one's character?

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It’s the mental growth, which in turn makes the person mature that plays a vital role in viewing the things with seriousness. Generally it’s supposed that mental maturity comes as the age increases. But there are few exceptions, where you can see people at very young age displaying extraordinary maturity, discretion and seriousness.
Sandhya Rani But if I say, if a person has a lot of sense of humour and sees life lightly giving less space to serious thoughts, does it mean he is not mature at all? I often think, it's better to remain in a funny and light mood, though serious problems disturb u a lot, rather than behaving serious. - Sandhya Rani - 11 years ago
rambabu Such person is a matured person of the highest order. They live in the present and take action when a problem confronts them. And before that they will not allow their minds polluted by meaningless and baseless thoughts. Personally, I like such persons. - rambabu - 11 years ago


What is far more important is to develop a well balanced personality and as far as seriousness goes it has a lot to do with ones life style - some are serious all the time making people around them uncomfortable and some are humorous making everyone around them laugh and feel comfortable.That does not mean that a serious person is more responsible or vice versa ...As long as a person remains well grounded age hardly matters..


This depends on character. I am seventy but don't know when I'll be serious enough.


It depends on your character.


What has age got to do with seriousness. Tell me which above 70 politician is serious about future of this country?


I think seriousness always does not depend on a person's age but it mostly depends on a person's personality.


It depends on character and age.


It would depend on one's maturity.



of my opinion it depends on one's character



It all depends on one character, but it is influenced by age as well. But mostly it is the character as some people are serious from small age only. So it is a matter of character.



Age is one of the factors that makes us serious; but it is not the lone factor. As we grow and pass through different stages of life, the situations demand us to play different roles; sometimes serious, sometimes comedy and sometimes tragedy. Depending upon our inherent character and talents, we play our role quite naturally. Seriousness is what the time demands, but not our age.



No one is serious by birth. Seriousness in most of person come with time and surrounding life style. 



I think it should vary by character. As I have seen that people losses their seriousness after getting more age. lol


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