Was Indian Independence possible without partition? Was partition necessary?

I often think, If India has remained a single unit with Pakistan and Bangladesh combined, more than 50% problems of our country would have been solved. But very often, I feel that, it was better to give them their part, otherwise India would have been filled with terrorists. I don't know which one is the right option? But personally I feel that Partition was a wrong thing that happened 60 years ago. This single partition has really blurred the beauty of Indian independence. India as whole fought together for Independence and when they got it, they celebrated it in two ways, two days and in two colours. Though India fought for independence with the principle of non-violence, new dawn break gaining freedom witnessed only blood, violence and only violence!!!! What do you think?

Also was it not possible to gain independence without partition, even if it would have taken a little more time?

Category: General Reference

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You are right in both cases.. But I am sure together there could have been more problems in compare of right now what we are facing. This is just my guess.


There are many possibilities at any stage. But when an event ends, possibilities come to end. The founder of Pakistan Jinnah was indeed secular in the beginning and even later he was no religious fanatic. But he feared that in Hindu India, Muslims would be second rate citizens. This convinced him that Muslims should have a separate homeland. Just before independence, there were also options to safeguard Muslim interests in United India. One suggestion was that There should be reservation for Muslims in parliament and assemblies though there may not be separate religion based constituencies. Such possibilities were also not considered favorably by Congress. Ultimately, partition of India was decided. It is worth mention that Congress was considered as representative of Hindus only. In fact, Madan Mohan Maliviya, Sardar patel and some others were considered staunch Hindus. I am soon going to write an article on Kayade Azam Jinnah, founder of Pakistan. I hope that article will, deal with this question also elaborately.
Sandhya Rani Waiting for that article to get published.... - Sandhya Rani - 11 years ago


It is easy for us to seat in the comfort of our homes and talk about it. We belong to a generation which did not face even a little heat of the partition that generations of our grandparents felt. Reasons are numerous and speculations are just too many which could start a debate on what was the right or wrong approach to it. But I personally feel that it is not for us to talk about it in a manner when we do not know much about it and also I feel instead of dwelling on it, we need to look forward and talk about more concerning issues! I think this question is not appropriate now!
Sandhya Rani Why can't we talk or ask question about a matter related to India? While we are spending a lot of time on talking about useless topics, I don't feel I have asked a question not appropriate now. In this section, we are not restricted from any topics we need answer. It's only the personal decision to ask a question or not. Anyhow thank you for your answer. - Sandhya Rani - 11 years ago
Kalyani Nandurkar I am not saying that the question is restricted nor it is prohibited. All I mean to say is that times have changed a lot, more than 60 years have passed now. The conditions that prevailed then are not much relevant to today's issues, there are are far more burning issues that need to be talked about and addressed than talk about what is bygone. Past history should not be forgotten, but it should be remembered and lessons need to be learned from them to make right our today and tomorrow., But discussing only about issues such as partition now does not feel right nor does it give any solution for today's problems. Just my opinion, I am not saying that everyone should feel the same! - Kalyani Nandurkar - 11 years ago


What ever happened I think it was right at that time, what eve the situation was at that time may be it was not possible.


India after partition is better I feel..because the conditions that prevailed in then India...has led to partition which after all look much better. India along with other countries undivided would mean more insurgency and terrorism and riots. Not that we don't see it happening now..but the number would have doubled or even more.

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