Why do we love and hate?

I often think, all humans are just pieces of flesh, bloods and organs connected. If we describe it in the angle of science, we are mere objects with life. It doesn't even believe the existence of soul or mind, except brain to think and heart to pump blood. Then where do emotions exist? actually why do we feel love, hatred, sad etc? Why are we hurt for broken relations and lost lives? If we and human body are just a few parts being aggregated or integrated together, why do we feel emotions that can't be shown as objects any way, rather through expressions? And science doesn't believe anything that can't be shown with proofs.

Category: General Reference

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Because we are humans...if we didn't feel love, hate or other emotions we would be as good as any other animal!
Sandhya Rani Yes, we all think the same way. But it's not all a scientific explanation - Sandhya Rani - 11 years ago
Kalyani Nandurkar Well, I could easily have given you the scientific explanation after googling it, but I chose not to since anyone can do it. Also, what I personally think is that it is best not to delve too deeply into certain things, we can read about them anywhere, such as the parts of brain, hormones responsible for producing feelings of benevolence and love such as dopamine and whatever, etc. etc. but will we really understand what that is all about??? Will it really make difference that a certain hormone plays a role when I love someone or hate someone so much that I want to kill him or her??? So I feel certain things are best left alone for scientists to delve into and for us only to feel and experience! - Kalyani Nandurkar - 11 years ago
suni51 I agree, I can see people are not only using Google but not hesitating copy pasting the whole answer without any hesitation. - suni51 - 11 years ago
Kalyani Nandurkar Exactly Sunil and when such questions are being asked, we cannot expect people to answer them without googling and copying them from other sites. I really see no point in such questions and their answers, both! - Kalyani Nandurkar - 11 years ago

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Everyone has some likes and dislikes. Ehen the likes anddislikes are too strong, these cause exteme sentiments- love for what youy like or agree and hate for what you disagree with.


we love and hate to remain sane.It frees our brain of confusion and helps us appease it.


Love: Results in resonance with our emotions,preconceived notions
Hate: Results out of resonance.


These emotions are brain related and as natural as reflex action in other matters. If you want to snap your finger the signal comes from your brain and if you want to hit someone it again is as per the signal by the brain. Love, hate and anger are all signals which we name per our choices.


The dividing line between Love and hate is very slender. And there is a saying that 'we hurt those whom we love.'
When my friend’s 4 year old son fell down while playing, my friend has beaten him. I asked why he has beaten his son. He said because I love my son, I didn’t want him to see sustaining injury. That’s why I have beaten him. A paradox. But it’s true.
Scientifically speaking, Research has shown that a highly developed part of our brain called the amygdala plays a major role in violent rage and hate.
Similarly First attraction, first "sparks" in the air followed by falling in love are caused by combination of three neurochemicals: phenylethylamine, norepinephrine and dopamine.

Sandhya Rani definitely am going to accept your answer. Let me wait for a short while. - Sandhya Rani - 11 years ago
rambabu A better answer may come up. I welcome your decision to wait. - rambabu - 11 years ago


We are emotional and emotions influence our behavior or the way we feel.



These are human emotions which are part and parcel of humans. Often the one who is the object of your love is the person you hate..at times...

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