I have never tried any data entry jobs so far but what I read on different sites that they pay very less or do not pay on the basis of of inaccurate data entered by you. However I would never suggest to waste time on unfruitful work.
Data entry jobs are all fake. Also we should never believe sites which ask for money however minimal it is. They basically ask you money and give some fake email accounts which never work and also provide fake mobile numbers. So say no to data entry jobs!
I don't think any data entry sites are genuine. Don't waste your time searching these work online. Better go with article writing job. Even sites which are genuine take lots of up front money to give you work. Why you should pay money to work. People take money to work. So better don't waste your time searching these online work. Good Luck :)
I also never tried data entry jobs as many of my online friends have told that these sites are mostly fake sites and don't pay and your hard work goes in vain.Moreover I don't like a typing job there are many other sites which are far better than data entry job I think one has to do lot of work to get paid from them if they actually pay to the users.
It is really very difficult to tell the real from the fake ones. I suggest you better stick to this site and keep writing. You will certainly start earning well.