During pregnancy, it is necessary to avoid highly refined foods such as bakery products made from refined white flour.
Avoid very spicy and very oily foods.
Avoid papaya and drumsticks, rest of the veggies and fruits are fine.
Avoid raw or lightly cooked eggs. If having non-vegetarian dishes, the meat or poultry should be sourced from a reputable and trusted seller and these foods should be cleaned thoroughly and cooked properly.
Avoid eating foods from wayside stalls or open markets.
Avoid Chinese food completely because these contain Sodium monoglutamate (MSG), commonly called Ajinomoto. Ajinomoto is freely used in Chinese dishes to improve taste and it is a known carcinogenic. Researchers have also found that it causes congenital deformities in babies.
If eating out in a hotel, check beforehand if the food contains Ajinomoto. Many hotel establishments use MSG in Indian cuisine too.
Avoid eating pre-packaged and frozen meals as well as ready-to-eat meals since these contain added preservatives not beneficial for growing fetuses.