Best way to contribute in child education?

PRAVEEN DWIVEDI Here are some ways parents can put their kids on track to be successful students. 1. Send Your Child to School Ready to Learn. 2. Teach Organizational Skills. 3. Know the Disciplinary Policies - PRAVEEN DWIVEDI - 6 years ago
Khushi choudhary Best ways to contribute to child education-: 1. Know your child's area of interest 2. Never tell the child to study for grades 3. Be there for them in failures too 4. Never compare them with other children 5. Talk to their teachers regularly 2. - Khushi choudhary - 5 years ago

Category: Parenting

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Can you please add some information on your post rather than just ask questions and expect others to respond. You can go through older posts to get an idea as to how it is done here ..



There is no best way. Each one can do based on their own financial capacity, convenience, skill and time availability. You can sponsor education for underprivileged children, contribute to NGOs working for that, can teach them free if you have skill and time and so on. There is no way that is better or inferior to other. I sponsor education for two children at SOS, provide the year around books and stationery items for my household helper's child and give remedial sessions to special need children of poor family at low cost or free. That is my way of contribution that suits my capacity and convenience.

Sreematrana ??? - Sreematrana - 6 years ago


In government school children from poor families are reading. Give them study material and other thing which they need. If possible give them coaching.



Books & Stationary are good ways to contribute in child education.



Here are some ways parents can put their kids on track to be successful students. 1. Send Your Child to School Ready to Learn. 2. Teach Organizational Skills. 3. Know the Disciplinary Policies



The only way to make a kid study well and is to guide him personally in doing this. I have personally witnessed this and kids study well when they see that their parents are involved in their studies.



You can participate actively in their curriculum by spending time with them.


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