What are the requisites for shaping a good human being?

Category: Family & Relationships

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Being a human is the toughest job in the world. So for that we need more qualities to be a human nowadays especially - HUMANITY. So many inventions are  there to improve or  beneficial quality for human lifestyle. But no invention for a Human to be a Human. Morality is the most important qualification for Human being. If there is morality, there is humanity, equality and wisdom all will be there.



A good human being is one who respects other people, is kind enough to lend a hand to somebody in need. It is not money or status that makes a human 'good' but it is ones attitude and behavior that defines him/her.


There is no definition for being a good human what I believe is you should be truthful and honest towards everyone and always be kind as we know things will always come back to us whether its good or bad.


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