In your opinion who is a feminist?

I had a strong argument with someone on a social site. His opinion was somewhat like this - Nowadays even if we warn girls/ladies about dangers, they respond to it with abhorrence (loathing - I think I have used the word with correct substitution in English). But I responded saying, it's not a good procedure to judge woman kind by taking just one or two instances.

I also put forward some of my ideas while the discussion progressed. The main thing is - We often advise our girls to do this, don't do this etc for many centuries repeating the same story of leaf and thorn. But why can't we take a step forward and think, why can't we prevent that thorn? Isn't prevention better than cure? Aside girls, why can't we cultivate good habits in boys as well since early childhood, such as to protect girls, to respect the opposite gender as well, how not to behave with them etc etc.....If so it can bring big changes to society in future generations......

He believes, it's girls who should always remain vigilant. If SOMETHING HAPPENS SHE SHOULD NEVER BLAME BOYS because she didn't care?

Why advices to our girls only in our society? Can a person who dislikes such gender-biased comments be a feminist? In your opinion who is a feminist?

Category: Family & Relationships

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Feminism by definition advocates equal political, social and economical rights and that both men and women be treated and respected as individuals. However, the current brand of feminism that we see is more inclined towards turning women into something that they are not and should not be, such as women who nowadays shun family life, feminine looks and dress themselves as masculine women with no softness or tenderness. The term that Arunima used "femi-nazism' fits perfectly well with such women. I don't understand, to be a feminist why does one have to shun everything that is soft and beautiful, right from cutting off hair to something weird and dressing up like men??

I personally feel that women, by nature are different from men and are meant to be nurturing and nourishing. When a woman starts feeling ashamed and embarrassed of this particular function, is when the balance of our society is disturbed. Look at this particular lady, who is currently hell bent on entering each and every temple in the country, does she radiate even a single positive feeling at all? She is something that I feel which is and represents everything that is dangerous to the peace of a society.

Feminism should strive to bring balance to the society and not disturb it.

Sandhya Rani So am I a feminist??? :):) - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago
Sandhya Rani Kalyani's post disturbed Arunima's post...hehe.... So sad, I think you are talking about Trupti Desai. If I get a gun I will fire her. As per Hindu traditions we follow a few things. As Lord Ayyappa is a Brahmachari, and the presiding diety was installed so, women can't enter there. If you believe in a particular religion, you are bound to follow many things bound to it. We Kerala women have no desire to enter here. Then what the hell is she doing here. If you take a poll, I don't think not even 10% Kerala women will support this move if she is a Hindu. - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago


Why even have such a concept which goes to show that there is gender bias. Men and women complement each other since biologically the two are different and not superior or inferior from one another



Subjugation of women should be opposed and for that if I am labeled as feminist then so be it. I believe, both the genders should respect one another and that will bring in harmony in the society which is a sign of progress. Men and women are separate beings and there is no harm in accepting the natural difference. Those who try to ignore it are really silly. Fighting whimsically cannot make us feminists rather we must try for equal educational opportunities, equality in employment offers as well as basic need.



In my opinion,, A Feminist is a person who believes in  Social , Political and economic equality of the sexes.. Additionally, ensuring that women have control over their bodies that they are fairly represented in leader positions and in the media. It is about demanding change to the systematic prevalence  of unequal power relations between men and women.



We need the men and women should treat equally. There is no difference at all. Feminist who do the upliftment in the women's life. Women should get good education, good career. She should be treat as a human being equal to man. 


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