Do you judge people?

If we live in a society, it's not easy to stay isolated. We communicate with people, and based on the experiences we judge people, basically it's human trait. But it's possible to keep this behaviour in control, if we try so. We humans easily forget helps and remembers and recollects bad events most. 

I feel that we should judge people after a long observation and it should never be a hasty act. It helps us to be vigilant against bad people, bad behaviour, outcome etc. I have less interaction with neighbours as I live in a strange city, and for the same reason I get less opportunity to judge others. Personally I don't judge people who have less to do with my personal life, though I stay alert. I give less significance to those who just stay in neighbourhood, I see him/her everyday etc etc.. I don't spent my brain energy on them, but on relations which need frequent monitoring. What about you?

Category: Family & Relationships

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I don't judge a person before we know each other well enough to make a judgement. At the first meeting, the person might appear what he or she is not truly and really. Sometimes, we see what we want to see and hear what we want to hear. We can be biased in our opinions regarding anyone. We might judge a person wrongly if we don't know him or her. As some person are difficult to understand initially but later, we might discover that they are soft and delicate from within. 

So I don't judge a person very quickly and I take my own time to judge close enough to accuracy and may be not 100% accuracy but closer to 75% I think.

Sandhya Rani Very impressive post.... Yes, I agree with you. In the first few meetings, a person may hide inside him many things he may not want to show you. It's only after a few observations he can judge a person and his character, thought may be up to 50%. Every person is bounded to change at any point of time, may be after a few circumstances too..... I and you too..... - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago


Sub consciously or without realising we always judge people although we may console oursrlves and say that we don't because it is human nature to do so. It is the manner in which you interpret that really matters. Like for example, if you have judged a neighbir as being a gossip who speaks ill of you behind your back , you need to substantiate that before concluding. Many a times we may be right in our judgments but our reasons for doing so may be wrong..

Sandhya Rani Yes we need. It helps us to communicate with a person in a better way. We may judge a person - positively or negatively based on our experiences. What I feel is, judging others can help us in a positive way, as long as we don't fall into conclusions easily counting just one or two events. Same is the case of we people too. We may be going through a bad phase of life, or just had a hot debate with someone near. Our behaviour soon after such a circumstance may not go well with someone unaware of such facts. We may be judged wrongly, unfortunate but true - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago
usha manohar I agree - usha manohar - 8 years ago
Sandhya Rani Thank you - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago


I do judge people to some extend even though I know it is not right to judge some one at first meeting.. Sometimes we assume that a person is not good at first meeting but its not always true.. Some people seems to be rude and arrogant from face value but they are not all the time, in fact such people are good by their heart some times..

I try not to judge people instantly, first I understand or observe them and then make my point. If I m not going to interact with that person frequently then I just let it go . I wont think too much..



Every person have two type of relation with others. One is formal and second in informal. In formal relation we keep our dealing very limited and also talk with them only in need. In informal relation we share many things, So with whom we keep informal relation we must be decide it after proper evaluation of persons.



I keep light impressions about people just to have better conversations with them regarding any topic or issue. Indeed it is very important to start judging only after we know them personally well. Also it is very important to keep our mind open while judging so that we can learn somethings which can change our aspects of judging.



There is a saying, ' don't judge or you will be judged'. For the same way, you judge others, you will be judged and with the measure you use, you will be measured, you will be measured to you.

Hence, i will never judge others. Exception is,  my own children when they are very young.

Sandhya Rani There are many chances of betrayal, if we interact with people of society without knowing what they carry in mind? Very often it becomes a necessity, not a hobby. Within limits everything is fine. When it crosses the borders, it creates problems. Misinterpretation of people around us make it difficult to mingle with others - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago
rambabu Definitely. One should be well within limits. - rambabu - 8 years ago


It is human tendency to judge people as we always form an opinion.



I honestly admit that I judge people. I do so and regret it later. This is one thing I am trying to overcome. I have realized that prejudice does cloud our thoughts and hinder a lot of things.

However, we are brought up in a certain environment constantly being judged or seeing people having prejudices. So subconsciously or unconsciously we also imbibe those notions. It becomes very natural to judge people based on their attires, way they talk and carry themselves etc.etc. Many a times our notions turn out true but many a times it is totally in contrast with the person. I am consciously trying to be open to perceive and do not let prejudice cloud my thoughts.

usha manohar Totally agree with that because it is part of our mental make up that our past experiences and lifestyle does have an impact.. - usha manohar - 8 years ago
Sandhya Rani @Arunima, We need not regret so that we judged people. It may happen in sub-conscious mind too... Afterall we all are humans, Come on. Only thing is we should never draw to easy conclusions judging people, and we should never spend our precious time and brain too much for such matters..... - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago
Arunima Singh very true - Arunima Singh - 8 years ago

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