Freedom after Marriage

Question 1: Both men and women complain the same thing - I lost my freedom after marriage. What do you think about it? Who is correct and who is wrong? Who enjoys more freedom?

Question 2: In childhood too, kids don't enjoy too much freedom and restrictions are imposed on them by parents and relatives. Then why do they say they lost freedom after marriage? Though man has more restrictions in childhood and teens, he mostly complain about loss of freedom after marriage. Is it a real fact? Or what could be the other factors which force him to believe so?  

Category: Family & Relationships

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With good understanding between husband wife, everything is possible



i thing after marriage there is no freedom for couples. In reality indian husbands enjoy more freedom but they are also bound for responsibilities, sacrifice, compromise.On the other hand,freedom depends on mutual understandings and support.



Freedom and responsibilities are two sides of the same coin. Freedom without limitations is a free run and it brings chaos to the society. For a streamlined society, freedom and responsibilities go hand in hand. Every relationship can be enjoyed only if you have your freedom intact and unhurt. Otherwise you feel choked.

But if you are in relationship, you can not look down upon the responsibilities it brings.

So make sure that what are you actually complaining about?? Freedom being snatched or the overwhelming responsibilities?? If you feel it is freedom snatched away fight for it or else walk out of the relation. There is nothing as worth as personal freedom. But if it is responsibilities, talk, seek help and share it. Look for practical solutions




after marriage we have to compromise with many thing. Personal freedom is one of them. With compromise it is not possible that we can spend happy marriage life. If some one prefer his/her freedom than it is better never get marriage.



Once you live in a society one can never be totally free . You have responsibilities and  are bound to your role as a son, brother , husband and so on . Marriage too has its responsibilities probably much more than being a son and a brother. So, no wonder that most people feel tied down and feel a loss of freedom after marriage..it is the same for women..

Sandhya Rani Also hesitating to accept the partner's virtues is another reason. There are many husbands in Indian society who think that if I accept what she says or do what she says, I will lose value in her eyes. Truth is that her joy gets doubled in her eyes - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago


I think there is no freedom after marriage as girls are bound to care for their husband and family before themselves. Girls are expected to compromise on their wishes to provide the family needs and despite compromising they have to hear from their husband, "what do you do all day?', just because wives don't earn through out there whole lives like men do. Girls have to take maternal leaves and I have never heard in India that the husband takes initiative to take a leave and care for the baby. It has always been the girls who cares for babies and stays home when in US, some husbands also care for babies. It is all about the mindset people carry with themselves.

I think there is no freedom after marriage for men also as they are attached to a set of responsibilities to provide for their families. They burn their midnight oil to work hard and earn for their family.

Marriage itself is another word for adjustment and compromises along with a set of responsibilities. There is no freedom after marriage and it is not like married people are chained to walls like criminals in jails but I hope you get my point. There is freedom to move around in the house but there is no freedom to pursue decision making for girls and to roam around as your wish for men.

Sandhya Rani After marriage, for every action and decisions we may need to think or consult with the partner. During childhood days, we don't have much decisions, and blindly follow what our parents have decided for us. - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago
Sandhya Rani Yes it's true, in India men enjoy more freedom than ladies, and for the same reason even silly questioning can hurt their ego - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago


If there is good understanding and mutual respect between a couple then no compromise sounds like  loss of freedom. Both stand for each other whenever the family members try to posse some threat and curtail their freedom. Yes, in literary term responsibilities curb freedom but love, affection and admiration give strength to fulfill all the duties and enjoy personal life too. The same kind of duties and responsibilities become restriction or lack of freedom when support of the family goes missing and bond within the family becomes questionable.


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