what would be an ideal weekend ?

For most working people weekend is like an oasis , treasured and looked forward to ..Each one of us have our own ways of spending or enjoying our weekends. For housewives it is time to spend time with the entire family .So what would be an ideal weekend in your opinion ?

Category: Family & Relationships

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For me an ideal weekend is only a dream at present!! But of course I can share with you.

My husband earlier was in banking field, and we had amazing weekends, shopping, watching movies or short travels. But now he is into home delivery business with no holidays including Sundays, and me myself busy with blogs. So actually we don't have any weekend. As he is into home delivery of groceries and other necessities, no shopping, no loitering around and I get everything I need at home:)

Occasionally we go for a cinema at nearby multiplex. Otherwise watch some latest Malayalam movie online in the Sunday evening when he returns back. We three sit together and watch the movie, and most of our weekends are spent this way. I also try to prepare some special dish on Sundays. There are no tourist sports in Thrissur town I am residing now. If we were residing in home town, the capital city or outskirts, we would have got some great tourist spots to spend our evenings and some wonderful restaurants to try varieties of dishes.

usha manohar No place around your neighborhood to go for a long walk since most Sundays streets are less crowded - usha manohar - 8 years ago
Sandhya Rani There are paddy fields nearby.... But it's not interesting to walk alone. I have no friends here - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago


I cant think of ideal weekend... but more of a happy weekend. There is always a lot washing and cleaning piled up for the weekend. So mostly i try to finish that up starting friday evening itself, then there is my son's home work too. Usually saturdays' afternoon, lunch i try to make something special and dinner we have it delivered from outside. Sundays is for relaxing, we try to go for a movie else just sleep it off... :)

usha manohar For most working couple catching up with lost sleep seems to be a priority. - usha manohar - 8 years ago
Divya Yes so true... add to that i have a little one who is only 8 mnths... - Divya - 8 years ago


If I am given a choice to choose an i deal weekend, I would do nothing much at al - just read, listen to music , order food from a takeaway and go for a long walk in the evening since roads are normally free of traffic on Sundays 



We look forward to weekends to patch up the gap of over demanding week. If it is a long weekend and favourable situation, we go traveling to nearby places. Generally, my weekend starts with Friday evening. I wake up late till 1pm or 3 pm, watch movies with my husband along with washing laundry of whole week. Saturday is hectic with grocery shopping for the week, planning, cooking and cooking preparations for coming week... Sunday is for relaxation. We go to lalbag in the morning, have breakfast in MTR, go out for movie in theatre if any. After afternoon, we are on our toes for next week's planning and preparation. Many a times we just stay indoors on Sunday and catch-up for extra sleep or family game of carton and monopoly. Once in a while we have get together paties on Friday and Saturday

This is how a happening weekend goes



I can't say about ideal weekend but I feel happy when there is no need to wake up early morning. No running after time and I can chat with my family whenever I long to do so or else life is hectic on week days. Waiting to talk to my husband and son after they return but then again I have to finish all chores quickly so that we all can catch up a long good night sleep only to wake up fresh the next day early morning. Going to a movie, shopping or have some home delivered food is a bonus. 



As I am not a married person so weekends are totally best time for me. There is no rush to complete any household tasks and I relax. I just work for two hours because I feel useless if I don't work any day. I read books and watch television. I spend time listening to music and dancing. I enjoy sitting under sun on the lawn and watch an interesting program on discovery channel and net geography about wild animals and animal's documentaries. I walk around and eat tasty food. There is something about weekends and being free as it acts as a refreshment for my mind and soul. I smile for five to ten minutes on weekends to spread positive vibes. 



My ideal weekend is spending time with my family and cooking their favorite recipies or new recipies and playing games together and staying away from tv as much as possible.



In my opinion, an ideal weekend is, taking the things easy, getting up at my own time and doing what I like



An ideal weekend is to do what you like and to be with who you like to spend time with.


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