If I take in account from the very beginning, I will have a long list - my grandmother, my teacher, my friends.......and dropping anyone on that list will be unfair. So I will confine myself to my present life and vote for these three women ( two of them being young girls):
1. My mother- A friend, guide and mentor. The first one whom I look froward to share my excitements, my happiness and sorrows. Where I go innumerable times for suggestions and help.
2. My elder daughter- A teenager who keeps me on toes and up to date. Love to have her as my friend and my critique. Her opinions matter a lot to me and her feedback helps me to refine myself.
3.My younger daughter- She is my greatest teacher who has made me realize that I am a human and not a God. Despite of being a parental advice expert, she has proved many times that I am still learning as she outsmarts my parental trick. She is my source of unconditional love and my source of energy.