Is forgiving easy or forgetting?
Is forgiving easy or forgetting?
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Is forgiving easy or forgetting?
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I agree. No human is perfect. Forgiving gives peace of mind and forgetting paves way for newer life. It is like forGIVE to forGET. Thanx for sharing your thoughts. - sophia ajaz - 10 years ago |
So true. Forgive and forget. It may not change the past but it gives the future a chance. - sophia ajaz - 10 years ago |
Correct. But don't let negative and toxic people rent space in your head. Raise the rent and kick them out! :-) - sophia ajaz - 10 years ago |
Very thoughtful. You have to forgive to forget. And forget to feel again. - sophia ajaz - 10 years ago |
Absolutely true. You can give them ANOTHER chance. Or you can forgive, let go, and give yourself a BETTER chance. - sophia ajaz - 10 years ago |