Is it possible to love two persons at the same time?

Ya, real life romance between two persons.....

What's your simple answer and quote its reasons as well....

Category: Family & Relationships

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yeah it is possible to love two persons at the same time.



You can do so and for different reasons, love is a very universal feeling and it has many facets and one cannot restrict it to any one person only...we love our parents, spouse,children, friends differently.
As far as love between a man and woman is concerned, normally you restrict to one person as long as you are intensely in love with that person.If for some reason you break up , in time you may fall in love with someone else...


I think the love you are talking about is the love between a man and a woman. So, i think this kind of love cannot happen. When a person be a man or a woman claims to be in love with two different individuals at the same time, in reality s/he loves none other than himself or herself. It is difficult to remain in love with two people at the same time. It is just an excuse to say that a person can love two people for different reasons at the same time. This kind of a person is confused and want to have his cake and eat it too, which is not possible.

The love that we have for our children, siblings and parents is altogether different and each of these people have different roles to play in our lives, hence the love for these people is also different.
Sandhya Rani I have edited the question...now you won't be confused.....
Ya, you have given the right reason to substantiate your answer.
- Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


Love happens and is not done. consequently any one may love any number of persons. This is also a cause for polygamy.
Sandhya Rani Yes, you have given a valuable reason for your answer and we can quote the same from our epics..Krishna had two wives, Arjun, Bhima etc and of course, Dasarata of Ramayana with three wives
- Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago
Mousumi Ghosh @Sandhya: I believe polygamy in epics that we know of were done intentionally to maintain cordial relationships with neighbouring kingdoms and rarely because they fell in love. In current times, also polygamy happens because of lust and not love, more for variety and not because of love. Love that fades with time and doesn't grow stronger is not love, but marriage based on such love is nothing but a compromise. What do you think? What is your take on your question? - Mousumi Ghosh - 10 years ago
Sandhya Rani I believe in the principle of Monogamy and love forever with a single person only, throughout the life..... - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


What a funny question, I am in love with hundreds at the same time and you're talking about two.
Sandhya Rani Mrs Sunil Kya Keh Rahi hai.....? Tabla bachaoo??? - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago
Gulshan Kumar Ajmani There is no limit on love but there is restriction on number of spouses. You cannot marry every woman (or man) you love. - Gulshan Kumar Ajmani - 10 years ago
Sandhya Rani That indirectly means you can love more than one person at the same time....haha - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago
suni51 I can love the whole world at the same time. What is wrong in that? - suni51 - 10 years ago

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No it is not possible to love two different person at the same time.

 Expect in our family. A Mother loves their two children at a same time. 



Lol.. there are some really funny answers above.

There are types of love too.. I mean it depends on person with whom you love. If I talk love on family and friends then it can goes for multiple. If I talk about spouse, better I stick with one.lol



As far as the romance in real life is concerned, it is possible to love two persons; but you cannot live with two persons at the same time.  



Love is an emotions and humans can be very funny when it comes to emotions. So it is quite possible for someone to love more than one person at a time but usually it is not so common.



Yes we can like I love my wife and kids at same time.

Sandhya Rani What about wife and an another woman.... am asking that.......hahahahahahahahahaha - Sandhya Rani - 9 years ago
Sandhya Rani What about wife and an another woman.... am asking that.......hahahahahahahahahaha - Sandhya Rani - 9 years ago
Sanjeev Gupta Yo did not mention woman..hehehe - Sanjeev Gupta - 9 years ago
Sanjeev Gupta Yo did not mention woman..hehehe - Sanjeev Gupta - 9 years ago

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In our society there is not possible to love two persons at a time.

Sandhya Rani not about society. what abt individual - Sandhya Rani - 9 years ago


Yeah we can, we love our parents aswell better half after that kids,so we can share our love to more than one



yes, it possible as we love our mom and dad same time



I love my grand mother, Mother  and my two daughters



No No ! That's not love then ..


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