Do u like to meet an online friend of yours?

If no big surprises are to happen, I am going to meet in person a Boddunan Friend on Monday, along with my family. As it's the first time experience to meet an online friend, am really excited......Earlier too Boddunan family including me have planned to have such meetings.....

I truly believe that virtual relations are also the same and alive as real life relations with real emotions, if you have the ability to identify good ones. Pros and cons are same in both. Though virtual world gives as more options and opportunities to lie and present false imprint about you, truth is that if you observe his posts and communications a bit serious, you can easily understand the friend's character.

Would you like to meet your online friends in person? Also I would be interested to know if you would like to hide or show your identity before your online friends and love to enjoy the happiness of that virtual world? About that friend, let it remain a suspense now; will disclose it later.

Category: Family & Relationships

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Yes. I met my online female friend in Bengaluru. She has informed me thatshe would be there on a particular date to attend a marriage ceremony along with her hubby. Accidentally I happened to be there in B'luru during the same period. We all met at my friend's house.


Yes, I have met one or two online friends in person, and they for good didn't turn out to be lunatics or criminals..in fact I met them along with my hubby too. And I always feel more comfortable with online friends, because for me it is easy to strike a conversation online easily as opposed to with real people. Also, I never use a fake name, I use my real identify to pursue long lasting online friends. Coming back to your question..yes if the online friendship has turned out well, why not meet this friend in person.
Sandhya Rani Ya, you are best among those who never hide their identity. Otherwise you would have never updated your real profile picture in Boddunan. I truly believe that it's u:) - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago
Mousumi Ghosh Yes, it is indeed my real pic. I am not afraid of voicing my opinion with my real identify intact. I believe it is easy to relate to people who put up their original profile pic and original name. - Mousumi Ghosh - 10 years ago
Sandhya Rani In Boddunan, everyone like to put their kids/grandkids pictures.....may be I, Kalyani, Suny, Sanjeev etc...Afterall they are not copyrighted:) - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


I consider online friends like dream friends who differ from real world. But if I happen to meet any, I'm happy. Some of my online friends are also real life friends.

In response to Sandhya's comments, I have to say that I have not so far met abid or any other friend on Boddunan except Ramesh Muskan, Hindi poet, who introduced me to this site.
Sandhya Rani Did you meet Abid from Kerala last year at Agra? Am eager to know - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


Many of my facebook friends are my relatives and friends whom I have known for years.I have also met a few people who I came to know through the various sites I work on and now have become good friends with them....It is left to the individuals whether they want to take on a different identity, hide it or show their real identity and they may do for different reasons - just for the thrill of it, for safety reasons or whatever. As long as they are happy and get some satisfaction out of it, so be it...


I feel that there are some friendships that have to be realised for what they are, ie, online friendships can seem like real ones but are really different from real ones. There are people who will be honest and upfront about what they are, some may find the need to hide behind false masks etc. I really have never felt the need much to meet them in real life except for a very few people, although I have still not met any one so far. The ones whom I would really like to meet are Usha, Chinmoy, Shweta and Gulshan! They are the ones who I feel are what they truly are and I would like to meet them at least once!
Sandhya Rani U really don't want to see me? Unfortunately my name not in your friends' list..... - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


Sure, I have talked to many on phone and have met few here in India and planning to meet some others in near future,


I always like to meet online friends and this is my first experience of meeting online friend. I really very much excited and that too their whole family. Thanks to Sandhya akka for believing and trusting me.
Sandhya Rani so nice of you.... - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


Yes, offcourse i will meet the friend who is do true friendship with me



I never met any but I would love to meet a few of them. Some from this site and some from other sites where I write or used to write. I think if it happens any day then it will be a wonderful experience. Let's hope to meet one day! 



I have very few online friends but I never wished to meet them as I always want them to be online friends only.



I met my online friend yesterday at Thiripur, Tamil Nadu, along with my family. My old friends know him well - Vinod Kannan, whom I call younger brother from Boddunan. Yes, though we met for the first time in real world, it doesn't seem so. We talked the same way as we have been doing through mails, for the past two years or so..... It's definitely a wonderful experience for me and I would like to meet all friends of this wonderful site.


Anyone can meet online friends only online. But there is lot of risk to meet in person. Social awareness is very important nowadays in this generation.



Online friends exist in our virtual world. Their words speak to us a lot about their character. We have some specific pictures about them that we have created based on their words. Many of them make us feel like our own brothers and sisters rather than mere friends. It will be a wonderful experience to meet them somewhere in the real world.



Well I am taking part in this virtual world since very long. And I have to say I have meet some really good people. If I will get chance then I would love to meet them all. 



Most of my online friends are known to me_ either my relatives or my school, college and work friends. Now I'm working as special educator and an advocate for rights of special needs children. In that regard I have made online friends with people and organizations that work in the same field. Though, I never planned or looked forward to meet them, I have bumped into them during seminars and workshops. It is really exciting to meet them in person. And I look forward to those unplanned accidental meetings


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