Whose acheivements make you feel proud and happier?

Your Kids or spouse? Both are integral parts of one's life. Yet personal egos very often make us feel jealous for our spouse's success. But it never affects our happiness, even if our kid's achievement is too small to neglect, we celebrate!

Category: Family & Relationships

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I wont feel jealous of the achievements of my wife or kids as somewhere I may also get the credit of the same directly or indirectly.
Sandhya Rani Then ask her to join Boddunan.....let us c - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago
Sandhya Rani Dont change ur answer later, when she earns better..hihihu - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


I've no spouse and no children. But my nephews were very much with me and I'm happy that they have got perfect education and good career. If you have prosperous and happy spouse, kids, relatives and neighbors - rather all you have contact with, this will bring you happiness.


I will personally be happy and feel proud on my spouse's achievements. But if my baby/child does anything new it is an achievement for both me and my baby because babies/child/kid are part of you, they were once residing inside your womb..i think that is the reason we feel elated and overjoyed even when our kids do something very miniscule / something very small..and we fail to neglect it and celebrate it. We feel we have given our kids the right kind of guidance and upbringing hence, the success is also ours in a way.


Both. But it differs from time to time. In the early stages of my life, my wife;s success makes me as if I'm on cloud nine. Later, when my children grow up and when they make a mark in their niche areas, I would be elated as If I'm the winner.


Personally speaking I feel proud , not just of my spouse and children but also of my brother and sister and their children since I feel as close to them...But all said and done , no doubt that your own immediate family comes first ...


Everyone that I care for, be it my son, husband, sister, brother, friend or even a neighbour, they all make me feel proud when they achieve something great. But like Usha already said, family comes first!


Achievement of my husband cannot give me anything else other than extreme happiness and a huge satisfaction. With my child's success I feel pleasure not only for him but for me too. The reason behind it is, I am guiding him in his studies and extra-curricular activities and so his success is a kind of reward for my efforts also. I always believe that a mother regularly evolves as a person and explores hidden capabilities with the journey of her child's growth. With my child's success I am writing a success story of mine too but yes, this credit can be taken only up to a young age of my child. All in all there is happiness all around when my husband or my child scripts a success story.  



Both are important but you feel more proud when your kids do better. You in fact know all about your partner before hand but the achievement of your kids are your own efforts too to certain level. 



No doubt like others I am very happy with achievement of my children. With all these I am also happy when India achieved, when team India won in cricket, hokey and other games.



My partners achievements made me feel happier and proud.



I am very happy with my close relations like father,mother,sister,brother,husband,kids etc achievements



When my husband achieve, i feel proud of him and very happier.



Both of them. Achievements from anyone in the family should be celebrated and appreciated.



My kids and my spouse are equally lovable and equally important. Their achievements make me happy and when they go through failure, I am equally concerned. No matter what ,they are always part of my silent prayers. 

I might sound selfish. I feel on the top of the world when it is my achievement. Because that is my sense of accomplishment which I own. While I rejoice my kids and spouse's achievement, I do not own them. I have a small share of my unconditional love and support to them but it's they who own it and have the right to feel proud about. I feel proud of them not for their achievements but for who they are.


My achievements are mine with the support of my family. I own them and I feel proud of them.


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