How will you define a relationship in terms of things we see in nature?

Just now, I posted an interesting question about Appooppanthadi (Old man's beard). I think, we can define relationships in terms of an appooppanthadi. Yes, they are beautiful, simple and light.....remains in our heart like a beautiful white appooppanthadi. But we need to hold it, maintain a relationship....otherwise it may fly off our hands and it's not easy it catch it again...it flies according to the swift and direction of the wind. But if we hold it too tight inside our fists, it may break and loss its beauty as well. In the prison, it may not fly as well. But if we keep it light giving it enough freedom, it dances inside our hands.

I think all relations are so. Can you explain relationships in terms of things we see in our nature? Let me see

Category: Family & Relationships

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Relationships are like seeds. It needs our care, love, water and sunlight to grow. Similarly every relationship needs understanding, affection, love, care and support.
Sandhya Rani Nice answer - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


Relationships are like butterflies...if you hold it too tight...it might die...but if leave it too loosely it might fly...but if you hold it with just about enough space it will dance and stay alive.


I get inspired by small creatures like Ants and bees. Especially with ants which are ever busy, ever on the look out for an opportunity to gather food for the rainy day. Ants are known for their visionary traits. They think not just for the immediate future but for the distant future. They believe in making hay while sun shines. They never waste a moment wasting time Don't you think the same traits as that of ants are the prime requisites for being successful in life?
For this reason I believe in relating myself with ants.
Sandhya Rani But Babuji,
You told about the inspiration of life. My question is about how to relate lessons given by nature and relationships. Just think once more and give me an aswer
- Sandhya Rani - 11 years ago
rambabu A tree. Tree bears the fruits not for it's eating. It gaves shade to comfort the wayfarers. Whatever it does,it's meant for others. Akin to this i do my assigned job without expecting returns.Success or falure are not important, Giving your best is important. This aspect in a tree inspires me and for this reason I relate myself with a tree. - rambabu - 11 years ago
Sandhya Rani But where it comes the matter of relationship? Please think again and find another answer. am waiting - Sandhya Rani - 11 years ago
rambabu Relation is nothing but attachment.I'm a tree lover.As a member of a "Tree Loving society" I plant trees twice in an year.. - rambabu - 11 years ago

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Many proverbs explain our relation and activities in terms of nature, animal or birds. e.g. as busy as bee, working hard like donkey, as brave as a lion, lion hearted and so on.
Sandhya Rani But sir, where is told about relationship, except that they give lessons about life and work style? Can you find another example? - Sandhya Rani - 11 years ago


Relationships are like sand. You should never try to hold they too tight without freedom as they would just slip out of your hands. There needs to be freedom.


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