Why relations loss freshness as time passes by?

It's a universal truth, nothing on earth is stable and nothing predictable too. Same is the case of relationships too. Except blood relationships, almost all relation that we attain are through our choices based on our likes and dislikes. Yet, why those relationships...may be love, friendship, spouse relations or anything else, lose its freshness tomorrow or day after tomorrow in most cases? Relations become sweeter as time passes by, only in a few cases. Why all relations except blood relations have the same effect? Does it mean only blood relations are bonded each other for some unknown reason?

Category: Family & Relationships

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There is no guarantee that even blood relations too last longer. Are we not seeing Brothers are at each other's throats for the sake of property?are we not seeing a just born baby simply because it happens to be a girl child thrown in to the garbage can ? As long as greed and self centered attitude is there humans will never care whether it's a blood relation or otherwise.


We are all aware that familiarity breeds contempt. Similarly, in any relationship as time passes by, we get to see the real picture of a person. We discover whether a person is genuinely interested in us or is on the look out to fulfill any of his/her wishes. Blood relations also do fade with time without proper. Every relationship needs time and patience. We need to nurture every relationship. Basically, every relationship is a give and take relationship.If any one person is doing all the giving and the other is only receiving that doesn't work and loses its sheen. Parents who look after us as kids need to be taken care of in their old age.


We start taking relationships for granted. That is the greatest folly we make while maintaining a relationship be it of blood or of our choice ones. We need to understand each other at every point of time as well as we must give space and respect their privacy. If we fail to do so then our relationships will get mundane. Thus, I believe to keep freshness in our relationships, we must follow some basic rules very sincerely then only the sweetness will remain forever. 



Blood relation is not guarntee of last long relations. Relation with friends it never loss freshness. With passing of time out priorites will changed. In young age at outdoor we spend our time with friends and in home with parents and family members. After marriage and when we will busy in our profession it is not possible to spent time with friends and family members like earlier.



It depends on the frequency of vibrations of the persons involved in the relation. The relation will last long with freshness as long as they vibrate in the same tune and there is a concord between their minds. It happens only when there is not even a single drop of selfishness. It is immaterial whether it is friendship, spouse or blood relation.



It is true that in many cases this happens. That is how human behave. I mean not only in relationship, in every new thing, they feel excitement more about it in starting but after some time it became normal not at all freshness. I have also seen many cases where relationships like friendship and love stay fresh and well for whole life.


It depends on how much efforts people take to keep relationships with each each other fresh. Friendship between two persons is supposed to be the best of all relationships but if even one of the friends does not take efforts to meet the other occasionally, takes him or her for granted, then it loses meaning. Same is true for all other relationships, including husband-wife. See around you, so many couples are only living with each other in the same home, but the relationship has lost its charm and magic. Because after a certain time, people stop making efforts the way they did when the relationship was new.
Sandhya Rani Yes, very often if we get something without any promises, we take it for granted. But for every relation, even with our parents and kids, we need to express it very often. When we fail, the relations loss the charm....though relations and bonding do exist - Sandhya Rani - 11 years ago


Relations are also subject to law of diminishing returns. Everything attracts when new and gets stale after some time. That is why brief spell of separation or discontinuance of communication refreshes.


I don't agree with you. On the contrary the relationship gets better as the time passes by. The partners in a relationship understand each other better therefore they understand the mood of their partner just by giving them a glance. older the relationship better it gets.
Sandhya Rani It's a nice answer.....

What I feel is people have a usual habit to get attached to those things that they feel 'not ours'.... If such things become 'ours' forever..... it fades slowly.....
it happens in most cases, otherwise it's lucky....
- Sandhya Rani - 11 years ago


New relationships are always interesting in the beginning and over time the interest subsides as we get used to the people or person and when there is nothing new to explore.


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