How long can a sexless marriage kept alive?

I have heard several times, Most recently came to known about the divorce reasons one of my close friends too, 'a sexless marriage' is one of the main reasons of divorces, where one of the partners feel that his/her partner is not understanding his/her feelings or emotions. Though the spouse provides the partner everything he/she needs except intimacy, time to spent together and a healthy sexual life, can the relationship stay green? If not, how long can it be kept alive? Or will it be just an adjustment where one of them is forced to live in a unhappy life for the sacrifice of family and others' happiness, while his/her partner believes 'Nothing unusual has happened to his/her life' and everything is Ok?

Category: Family & Relationships

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Well, a difficult question to answer indeed! Sex like already mentioned is a basic human need. But sex should not be the only reason for a marriage to work...for if sex would have been the reason then why do we need to get married? Also, sex should not be bringing out one's frustration, it should be an act of making love, where both the partners are willingly involved and neither of them are not forced into it. Sexless marriage can be a reason for divorce but getting it else where in a marriage can also lead to divorce. All the above answers clearly imply that if after 10 years of marriage there is no sex..people would go for divorce? Really, how about doing others things together, married partners can get intimate without having sex too. Also, having regular sex in a marriage does not indicate that a couple is in love or happy, what if any or both the partners who indulge in sex are not satisfied? this can also lead to divorce!


In most of the cases I don't think it can be kept alive. It will surely end in divorce in near future. But exception may occur in some cases but that also may go unhappily.


In my opinion, married life can be a boon without sex too if they have understanding and regard for each other. If they bond well on various aspects of life then sex does not become mandatory. Both the partners may not give importance to sex equally but that cannot be a reason to break their bond. A careful understanding between the two can make the relationship worth enjoying. Relationships break due to false ego and lack of communication between the two. They may have sex but that does not make their relationship sweet. So, those who love relationship, they hardly care for such trivial things like sex because the real food of any connection is the warmth they share through care and fondness for one another. 



It can't be denied that Sex is an important component of Marital life. One cannot lead a Mendicant's life all along beyond certain adjustments. The discontentment is bound to show in one form other. And may ultimately lead to that inevitable Divorce.


Life is usually sexless in old age. Still there is intimacy. However sex adds spice to married life and this is essential part of married life particulary in young age.


A very complicated question to answer. I think in India if it survives for first few years, it would survive for ever. If a partner can adjust another partner for some time they can adjust for rest of the life. Maybe they find their outlet somewhere else. Or maybe they adjust their feeling forever. But if a separation has to happen, it will happen immediately after marriage, say in one year's time.
Sandhya Rani It's the best answer among the 7 answers posted till now. I also feel the same, if the separation doesn't happen within one yr or two, the marriage life may sustain though teh relationship has reached a dead end!
I really want to accept this answer, let me wait.....
- Sandhya Rani - 11 years ago


It depends on persons. For some persons sex is important and for some one it is normal one. it is also write that sex is a basic need like food. If some one love his/her partner never think about divorce on any ground.



Such marriages cannot be said as being alive but only an arrangement where two people live together for the sake of living. There is no real warmth or bonding between the couple in such cases and most of the marriages in India are exactly like that! But now with changing times couples do not usually remain in such marriages for long but opt to walk out of such meaningless relationships via divorce!
Sandhya Rani That may be the main reason why divorces are more frequent in the past 10 years. If both the spouses are financially independent, in most cases... they may not adjust it more for the sake of parents, children or society - Sandhya Rani - 11 years ago


Sex is a basic human need. A sexless marriage life is not always be unhappy. Some marriages end in divorce when the situations is very difficult. It is totally depending on a couple who want to pretend to be happy or break away from this situation.


Marriage life cannot go for longer with sex. It is one of the necessary thing and both partner must accept this fact.


Well! Personally in my viewpoint sex is not only component over which marriage survive and at the same time sex does not determines the quantity of love or compatibility in the relationship. However, marrying is like an act of recieving the certificate of a social degree to have sex and then, kids. A sexless marital relationship is considered abnormal in the society. However, truth is something else. We are mature enough to understand the extra-marital affairs also therefore, I can conclude that if one wants to suffice the sexual needs then, one has several options available. The main cause of ending any relationship is insecurities and ego. The consequence of the end of a relationship is frustation and it is human nature to blame the baseless agendas to overcome all kinds of fruatations..



Wel, the people should have their mutual understanding whether to have sex or not. If one does not what to have sex life then other cannot force but the other has a chance to mold the partner with his or her friendship and love. and have happy life. For this simple thing people going for divorce is ridiculous.



In my opinion, it is really upto the couple to live the life, the way they want to live. There are couples who do not find the need to be physically intimate and this totally based on each other's consent.


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