When did the procedure to memorize and celebrate Anniversaries started ?

Actually when did the procedure of memorizing Anniversaries started ? Why should we memorize Birthdays and Anniversaries? Is there any reason???

Category: Family & Relationships

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Well I love to celebrate birthdays and marriage anniversaries. It does not necessarily have to be very pompous or grand but in a very small way. I invite some few friends and family and cook for them. To me it is actually remembering the beauty and sweet memory of that day and making the day special for my loved one. It is like a family get-together also where we can spend some fun-time with our family and friends. I love to celebrate birthdays especially of my little son.


First things first. Answer for the first part of your question is, the practice of celebrating an occasion dates back to ages. We celebrate not only Anniversaries and Birthdays, we celebrate Festivals. Because they are not like the other days of our life. For example Deepavali is celebrated because it’s a special occasion. This day marks ‘the triumph of good over evil.’ Another special occasion is ‘Janmashtimi’ , the Birthday of Sri Krishna. In a nut shell we celebrate an occasion that signifies a specialty. Similarly. We celebrate ‘Sri Rama Navami because it marks a special occasion , Marriage day or anniversary of Rama and Sita.’ So it says that the practice of celebrating Birthdays and anniversaries is not an offshoot of Modernity.
But with the advent of colonial rule, these celebrations took a new turn. They are not just restricted to very special people. Fathers day, Mothers day, friendship day are a few examples wherein even a common man can be a subject for a celebration who have an important place in one’s life.
This practice has further taken deep roots in to society because, these celebrations have converted in to a ‘Big Business’ proposition, in the form of ‘Greeting cards’ business.


This must have started when marriages as an institution would have been incorporated in the society. people need some reference to celebrate the togetherness,


No one really know when this started. It probably started small by wishing each other and having a nice home cooked meal. But now with the increasing influence of corporate companies this is becoming more of a show. You have to throw big parties and give expensive gifts.
Sandhya Rani I never believe that wedding anniversaries or birthdays are just events to celebrate. It's just a beautiful occasion of one's life to make the other feel that, he/she has a special space in his/her heart. Just a flower or a candy is enough. More important is to give time to the person in the best way he/she wants...may be your spouse or child or friend.....It's the best gift.... - Sandhya Rani - 11 years ago


When Husband & wives started spending less time with each other!


It can be safely stated that the birthday and annivarsy celebrations followed the introduction of calendar.


I think this was to remind your partner that you have been tolerating them for so and so long period. As far as memorizing is concerned the successful people always tell their partners later "I forgot" saves money and energy. :)
Sandhya Rani Today is your wedding anniversary. Right?

Happy Anniversary....Suny.....to both of uuuuuu
- Sandhya Rani - 11 years ago
suni51 Thank you for reminding me. :) - suni51 - 11 years ago


Now a days most of them leading mechanical life to get out from that all are start celebrating this the special days in their life like birthdays,anniversary etc.

When did it start means no idea



Not sure of when these celebrations started but they certainly make for good memories.


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