What book are you reading now

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What book/s are you reading now? which are your favorite books?

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I read on a daily basis and now I am reading one of Robert Ludlum's older book The Aquitaine Progression ..I have read this before and in my case I read books that I have again and again. I love all authors and books and read John Grisham's  books, Frederick Forsythe, Jack Higgins, Dan Brown etc etc..My favorite author is Leon Uris and I have read and have many of  his books with me and his Armageddon is my personal favorite ..

jabeen Many of the author you mentioned are my favourite too. But never read any books by Jack Higgins. Must look at his work - jabeen - 8 years ago


My favorite Author is Sydney Sheldon. Right now I am reading Bloodline. I like APJ Abdul Kalam's Autobiography " Wings of Fire".

Niranjan sydney sheldon's novel are one of the most great novels based on suspense, thriller - Niranjan - 6 years ago


I have started reading a Malayalam mystery/detective novel a couple of months go. But couldn't complete it. It's only a low standard book, I noticed it after going through a few pages. So couldn't find it interesting. yet I would complete it so that I can return it back to library. I also took a collection of O-Henry's short stories. Haven't started reading yet.

My all-time favorites are Paulo Coelho and Alchemist is my favourite book. Among Malayalam authors, I love Madhavikutty (Kamala Surayya) and Perumbadavam and their style of writing.



I read voraciously. Right now due to some article writing in my school newsletter to parents, I am re reading the "Creative Development in Child"  and "The secret of Childhood"by Maria Montessori and these two books are going to be there on my reading list till end of this academic year as I have few articles to write and few workshops to conduct around the same for parents.

Before going to bed, I read "The speaking Tree". I pick up any volume and read a chapter. I have read them all several times but I love to read them again and again.

I love to go back to classics of Jane Austen whenever I have a long holiday or I am travelling. "The Power of now" is another anchor for me when I feel lost



I am right now reading 'The old man and the sea' by Ernest Hemingway. I have read this book before but love to read it again and again for its simplicity. The determination, courage and patience of the old man always leave me spellbound.

As to my favourite book, I find it difficult to pinpoint as I simply love reading different types of books. But I should say I enjoy Sherlock Holmes series the most

usha manohar I too love reading The old man and the sea ,which is a timeless classic, also another book that i love to read is The Animal Farm by George Orwell..I enjoy reading Agatha Christie and Sherlock Holmes too :) - usha manohar - 8 years ago
jabeen Animal farm is a good book. Very short but very intersting. Even I love reading that book. Even I love Agatha christie. In fact I ve read most of her books - jabeen - 8 years ago
usha manohar Have you read Mary Higgins Clarke? I like her style of writing too.. - usha manohar - 8 years ago


I like reading Dan brown's book. Currently I am going through Dan brown's The Inferno. It's worth reading the book. I am planning to watch the movie as well..



I am currently reading, " Flowers for Algernon" written by Daniel Keyes and it is a popular book. I am enjoying reading it. It is an interesting books and I am liking it so far as much as I have read it till now.



being a defence aspirants I am reading a book called MOSSAD which is based on israel commando forces and their great operation



I like to read motivational and Business related books. Have not been reading of late and wish to get back to the habit of reading.



I am currently reading The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna on & off. It is a big Book and hence I am only reading 2 pages a day or a 5 to 8 pages a day depending upon interest. My reading habit has reduced drastically and I am unable to get interest in reading as I used to about 2 years back. Don't know how to revive it, may be because of Job, stress or tension, but I am not reading as much as I should to keep my mind in a healthy space.


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