how to take screen shot

How to take a screen shot?

anil I am using HP laptop. I want to sent screen shot of one email, tell me how I can do it. - anil - 9 years ago

Category: Computers

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First you adjust the page as you want so that you get whatever details you want within the page on your computer screen.Then press prt sc ( print screen ) normally located on the top right hand side row of buttons. Then open start and open paint. Here at the left hand side there is a tab that says paste and you click on that after which you will have the image on the screen which you can save on your computer folder .



I use  HP desktop computer. There is a button,Print screen on your key board. Press this button.This will capture the entire image and copy it to the Clip board. The dimensions of the image will be the same as your Desk top Resolution. Since you have not mentioned anything whether you wanted to know how to take a Screen shot on a Desk top or on a Mobile, I took it as Desk top.




you can press the 'prt scr' key on the keyboard.



 Hi you can press print screen button on the keyboard and and paste it in you paint or MS word or Excel .



First click the window button which on the keyboard then the active window on the screen of your pc gets capture and then click print screen and alt. Now past it on the Paint and save. 


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