Telegram or WhatsApp??

Which one do you feel is better? I am on WhatsApp but have heard very good reviews about telegram. Is anyone using it here?? How is your experience?

Category: Mobile Computing

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I think at present telegram is out of fashion. Only person who wants to save proof is using telegram.

Arunima Singh It does not seem to be out of fashion though less popular than WhatsApp - Arunima Singh - 7 years ago


WhatsApp has built such a big user base that now it is not possible to take its place. Also the features offered by WhatsApp are better. The number of people now using WhatsApp is very huge in comparison to the number of users who are using telegram so it won't be much use of telegram since very few people use it.



Whatsapp has evolved while Telegram has not that much

Arunima Singh Yes WhatsApp is more popular. - Arunima Singh - 7 years ago


I have installed, registered & deleted it. I think it is good, but we have become more accustomed to Whatsapp & its bright UI.

Telegram has a little dull user interface. Also to change to another platform for anyone is something most of them would refrain from, which is what I have done & hence uninstalled it.

It has all features but yes in terms of emoji's it looks a bit old fashioned.

Arunima Singh so you have tried both - Arunima Singh - 6 years ago


I use WhatsApp and I find it very convenient. I too ve heard good review about Telegram. But as all my acquaintance use WhatsApp, I ve not install telegram.

Arunima Singh That is the case with me too. - Arunima Singh - 6 years ago


I havent used telegram. I think WhatsApp is good as we all are habitual to it now a days. 

Arunima Singh Yes it is more to do with habit I think - Arunima Singh - 6 years ago


I have not tried telegram , but what'sapp is good and frankly it takes care of everything ,as of now ..


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