What's the problem with my mozilla???

I prefer mozilla to google chrome. It's friendly to my work. But what to do! Nowadays, if I right click on any of the links provided in a webpage, the system becomes too slow and hang for a while. It affects my work a lot. So, I need to work in mozilla and google chrome simultaneously at the same time. I have updated the s/w several times. Mozilla works fine for the first hour or two. Then the problem starts. If I restart the system, then it's Ok. But it's not easy to restart the system once in every hour or two. Problem is only with right clicks. I regularly clean temporary files. Yet the problem exists. Can you give me a solution???

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Its a common problem with Mozilla users, including myself. Normally we get a script error when the PC slows down, such as "A script on this page is taking too long, do you want to stop script or continue....! Do the following steps that I am describing here and your problem will be resolved:

1. Open a mozilla window and type about:config in location bar. Press enter
2. A message "This might void your warranty!" will pop up; Then click the "I'll be careful, I promise!" button to open the page that contains all Firefox settings.
3. Click once in the "Search" box at the top of the page and type "dom.max_script_run_time". The setting is located and displayed; it has a default value of 10.
4. then double click on setting to open the Enter Integer Value window
5. Type 0 and click OK to set the value. Then restart mozilla. Your problem should be resolved.

It has worked for me quite well, hope it does for you too.
Sandhya Rani Thank you Kalyani. I have done what you said. Let me wait for one full day to know if the problem is solved.
But one doubt, should I restart system? I havent done it.
- Sandhya Rani - 11 years ago
Kalyani Nandurkar Sandhya, restarting only Mozilla is enough, but you can restart system so it works more effective. - Kalyani Nandurkar - 11 years ago
Sandhya Rani Yesterday full day no internet!! So, I couldn't check. Day before yesterday it was working fine. I think, it has improved very much. Let me wait for a couple of days and give u its feedback. Thank you once again. - Sandhya Rani - 11 years ago
Sandhya Rani Kalyani, problem was not with Mozilla, bt with my old system.
Everything was slow, including mozilla and youtube full length videos that dragged behind. with new year, I have changed my system and nw the problem is solved. Thank you for ur help
- Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago

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Hi Sandhya ...

There is a solution for your problem ..
I have gone clearly through your problem

I think the problem could be caused by the "" Firebugs""
For this , I request you to Update the " Firebugs " to the latest version

so now you can check it once .. Probably it could fix the issue that you are facing

Remember you try to delete the Cache in your both
<> Google Chrome and
<> Mozilla Firefox browsers in order to avoid the Slow net connection

Always try firefox in the Safe mode
For this hold the " Shift " key
Navigate to the " Help " menu now ..
Then Click on the " Restart with Add ons Disabled "

So i think now it should probably fix your issue

Good Luck .. Kindly Revert back if you still face any queries there after
Sandhya Rani Thank you lillu
I have already done what Kalyani told. Let me see if it works fine for a short period. Otherwise I shall do what you told. Thank you once again
- Sandhya Rani - 11 years ago
lillu Ok No problem Sandhya ..every one wants the problem to be solved .. No matter which method you use ...Good luck - lillu - 11 years ago
Sandhya Rani Lillu, Kalyani's method is not working right now. So, let me try its alternative provided by you. Can you plz tell me how the latest version of Firebugs be updated? waiting eagerly for an answer - Sandhya Rani - 11 years ago
Sandhya Rani problem was not with Mozilla, bt with my old system.
Everything was slow, including mozilla and youtube full length videos that dragged behind. with new year, I have changed my system and nw the problem is solved. Thank you for ur help
- Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago

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I am using google crom and I am satisfied with it. Why you like mozilla?


I am friendly with Google chrome.I hope Kalyani's suggestion is works.


I did not face any problem mozille.



Just remove mozilla and start using google chrome. As it is more faster as compare to mozilla firefox.


This is not your problem. Every Mozilla User facing This problem. Even I face much problem with Mozilla. You need to clear all unwanted cache and history once in a week. Now I switch to Google chrome.

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