When I am not doing anything specific or working, I surf automatically surf mainly for information on books, gardens and garden ideas. What do you look for??
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Answers (17)
It depends on what I am interested in at that period of time.I may surf for some information for an article and see another link which may be totally different but interesting and then again may end up seeing another link and so on, there is no end to it when you have free time, you can go on surfing on totally unrelated topics but all the same, they all give you some knowledge and insight !
I surf the internet mainly for books, poems, songs and mainly things related to occult like parapsychology. The second most important search term for me is medical terminology.
I need to surf to find news. News on technology, Bollywood and cricket. These are the main topics I always write on. IPL is on, so I need to have a close look at it too as I am covering the event for my client.
I use internet to search pretty much everything. Most of the time I surf for emails, write blogs and read reviews. Also I do lot of google searches if I don't find the answers for something .
it depends on the interest. If i want to see videos then i use youtube. If i want to see latest fashion trends then i use pinterest. Or if i want to search for anything thn use google.
There is nothing specific which I surf on net. I normally remain active on FB to check what my friends have posted. Moreover I surf for current affairs,news,sometimes look out for places to visit.