Boddunan 2nd payment

The first time I received a payment, a sum of 50 was deducted, I would like to know whether the same will be done for the 2nd payment and thereafter as well?

Category: Boddunan

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A sum of Rs 50 is deducted as handling and forwarding by the site. Previously it was charged because all payments were sent through check by courier. Now the software is set @-50 so even if you get paid through bank transfer you get Rs50  less. I hope it helps everyone!

epraneeth77 Thank you Suni!!! - epraneeth77 - 6 years ago


Last payment I received in July 2018, than 75 deducted. I think it is charged by bank for direct transfer. Now I am waiting for one more payment and bank will charge, but not assured how much.



As the transfer through NEFT & RTGS are removed, hope there are no charges anymore.

Don't know whether the no charges thing has been implemented.

Even then, the charges are very paltry amount, will not be 75, I think it is some charge towards processing of payment, Anil, the payment you received in July was your first payment or your 2nd?



I was last paid in November and honestly i cannot remember if there were any deductions.  Rs50 was being deducted earlier when we had check payment,  if i am.not mistaken

anil I never get check from boddunan. I received 2 payment and for both bank deduct charges. - anil - 6 years ago


I have been paid twice by the site and each time if I remember well Rs50 was deducted. My last payment was a long time back. I am still a lot behind getting the third one. 


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