When is the payment generally processed?

Will the payment be processed after reaching 1500 or more than that it is required to be there for being processed for the first time?

I have reached 1528 about 3 days back, but my name is not appearing in processing in payment section.

When can I expect the payment status to be appearing?

Category: Boddunan

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You will get the payment soon. You will receive a mail to furnish your bank details and then money will be transferred to your account. In case you do not receive any such mail, use contact us to raise your issue. Stay assured you will be paid. 

epraneeth77 This will be my first receipt of payment. I have updated the new address of my residence. It feels very different to be paid from online source, all the efforts translating into financial form of Cheque, though I earn through my job, this satisfaction is something a different experience altogether & more valuable. I just want to confirm whether 1500 is the minimum amount required to be processed for the first payment or any more amount is required to be credited for processing? Also I have heard that in case of Cheque some amount will be deducted & paid. From 2nd payment online transfer will be done, is this true? - epraneeth77 - 7 years ago


Wait, you will get payment very soon. Don't worry about it. it is legit site and your payment is safe. Furnish your bank information. Good luck



You should get paid soon.



I have read that the member has to be active in order for the payment to be processed & a date of 25th was mentioned at which time the member should have been active, in that case only payment will be processed, is the rule still active?


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