I submitted an article two days ago, it got approved but there no cash credits shown in my profile?

Category: Boddunan

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The cash credit for articles is given by the adminstrator , may take a week or longer. You can keep posting articles and once they have been approved , they all may be credited at the same time ..

Zinnia Okay, thank you for informing. - Zinnia - 7 years ago


The article is approved and then published. It is after that your cash is credited to your account. This is how I had the experience.

Zinnia But, the sign does not even show that it is published and it has been a week, hence the concern. - Zinnia - 7 years ago
usha manohar I too have an article approved by the moderator , that has to be credited and published by the admin, all you can do is wait patiently and write more articles - usha manohar - 7 years ago


Should wait for some more time


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