What are the steps of starting a new poll?

what the steps of starting a new poll there are so many feild kindly give the breif discription

Category: Boddunan

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A simple poll require following details:[list=1][*] Title
[*] Description
[*] Poll type - radio or checkboxes
[*] Category
[*] Answers
[/list]All other details are optional and it is up to you to select them.

Btw.. please ask a question as question. The question title should reflect what you are asking, most people do not open your question unless they know what they are reading :) . I edited your question to reflect the same.
charmingkids17 thanks maverick - charmingkids17 - 12 years ago


No Polling is removed. It's no more functional



1. Click on Play

2. Click on Submit Poll

3. In Title, Give a Suitable title for your Poll

4. Select the Suitable Category for your poll.

5. Click on Poll Type i.e. Single Selection (Radio Button), Multiple Selection (Check Box)

6. in Poll Answer. Add answers for your Poll. Every Time you click on Add Answer a new roll will be added for your answer

7. Click on Save Button. Now your Poll is submitted



The steps involved in creating new polls is very easy. Try it once.


Just go to poll tab and click on create new.

Provide all information related to your poll like title info, description, category, poll type (means you want to make multiple answer poll or what) and at the end answers. You can add more answer by adding ADD an answer button.

In the poll options part, you have to select poll closing date, but you can leave those date section blank if you don't want to select time frame for the poll. Other are customizing options for changing look of chart(of the poll). Hope this much info is enough.


Just go to polls and open create new polls. Fill your question and your option. It first its looks difficult but after one or two polls it looks easy.


I think doing it pratically would help you. Go to the poll section and try it.


Go to poll section and you will get all necessary details.


Go to poll, create new poll and go according to given instructions. It is easy. Try it.


It is very simple...click on the Play link >> then click on the My Polls link>> then click on the Create Poll button.
Provide an appropriate title, add a description, choose poll type - radio or checkboxes, choose category, and add your answers.
And you are done creating a poll.


It is easy, just follow some steps.

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