Articles [General Reference]

The fundamental reason for terrorism can be ignorance. I think the reason which fuels terrorism is mistrust and misunderstanding. However mistrust/misunderstanding has been created because our mind (thoughts), speech and ACTIONS are not the same....

Whenever I see a beggar or a poor person working hard for an earning I walk very slowly to watch their happiness or their fight. I often feel that these are the persons who are really close to God. They depend completely on God. They are not...

The Assam agitation began in 1979, led by All Assam Students Union and All Assam Gana Sangram Parishad, to compel the government to identify and expel illegal immigrants and prevent new immigration. The agitations were normally peaceful, with stray...

  There are some persons who walk upon this planet and leave their footmarks on the flow of time. Their thoughts, their works inspire millions to change the way we think, the way we view the world and professor Muhammad Yunus belongs to one of...

Indians are always soft targets. Indians feel helpless in overseas countries when they are in distress. It is unfortunate to see the racial discriminations against Indians who are living abroad because of their color of skin. Indian government...

  Terrorist attacks have bled India once again. This time the theater of this inhuman, mad and reprehensible acts of terror was the cosmopolitan city of Pune. The victims are a few Indians along with a few foreigners. The psychology of the...

As we all know, the buzzword today is ‘global warming’ and ‘energy depletion’. All this is the outcome of the increase in population and many related factors like increase in traffic, factories, forest degradation etc. India is currently facing an...

Same Sex marriage What do think about Same SEX marriage? Is it normal or abnormal? Everything is normal, if it does not affect the other people and not a hindrance for the society. Also we should be able to say what we do in the society. In other...

Men can just lie if they want to about any and everything they feel like. Lie is very common used by both gender just to achieve something. A simple truth is that insufficiency of understanding between both man and woman.. this leads a man to...

Somebody say romance is divine, some say it is just an infatuation and to some it is the physical {by birth} attraction between a man and a woman and nothing else so I want all you guys to share thoughts of romance earthly love between a man and...

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