Articles [General Reference]

India is a such a wonderful country to live , but the constant terror threats across the border, makes people to worry about the safety. As a matter of fact the Indian law needs a change,and must be renewed according to the modern world. A strict...

`Where there is a will, there is a way’ is a very popular saying. Will means firm determination? A person, who has a strong will, always finds a way out of his or her difficulties. Nothing is impossible for such a person. But for a person of weak...

    In this age of advertisement the people tend to place a great deal of trust in the advertisement content which is packaged so attractively that they commit the cardinal mistake of not making appropriate verification on the tall claims made in...

Pestilence has molded both our cultures and our genes over the long term. But before tackling these long-term effects, let’s look at what actually happened to human civilizations when diseases struck. Over time, humans increased in numbers and...

What keeps you going in life? Not everyone succeeds at the very first attempt. But what is it that keeps us going on. Don't give it up ! Never die attitude and self belief in one's ability. Always have faith in your ability and Try to be...

  The economic crisis which has plaguing the world for the past few months has exposed certain aspects of our life for a rational public debate. Looking at the broad spectrum of issues which have deeper linkage with this financial meltdown. As we...

పెళ్లి అనేది ఒక మంచి తోడుని వెతకడం కాదు, ఒక మంచి తోడుగా మిగలడం. అవును, పెళ్ళంటే నూరేళ్ళ పంట అని అందరికి తెలుసు. మన అమ్మ, నాన్న, బంధువులు, స్నేహితులు ఇంకా ఎంతో మంది శ్రేయోభిలాషుల మధ్యన జరిగిన ఈ పెళ్లి నూరేళ్ళ పంటకు వేసిన తొలి అడుగు. ఆ తొలి...

A genetically modified (GM) species has its genes artificially altered. This is normally done by introducing genes from another species, which can be either a similar or totally different species. It is possible to transfer genes from one plant to...

  If you are to single out any establishment or system with which the people all over the world have a very uncomfortable relationship, it is tax establishment. Reactions of a strong dislike may vary from mild to extreme, depending on the...

I am Mahesh  , I have been a part of investigation journalism from past two years, but I always remember of the case that occurred in 08 April 2008, On that day morning as usual I got up and opened my bed room window and found drizzling rain...

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