Articles [General Reference]

Attitudes to Success 1. How You Think is Everything. 2. Decide upon Your True Dreams and Goals, 3. Take Action. 4. Never Stop Learning. 5. Be Persistent & Work Hard. 6. Learn to Analyze Details. 7. Focus Your Time & Money. 8. Don't Be...

Girls and Guys attitude problems Girls have more attitudes problem or the guys. I think both have attitude problems in life. It's That Girls Show Up a Lot And Boys Just Ignore it. Most of the time girls have attitude problems because often have...

Reservation Reservation is a boon for poor person who doesn’t have money food or even a roof to sleep under it. Our leaders are boasting about development of India. What the hell they have done for poor and talented person, why don’t they want to...

Woman's reservation The logic behind bringing reservations for women in parliament is that, politics is a male dominated field and people want more women to take part in legislation. To ensure that women get a decent representation, the bill was...

Who is meritorious? One person with help of reservation gets admission in an institute, being the first member of his entire past generations, town and nearby town ,relatives who got this opportunity .After getting admission he saw there his...

What is Soul? I think this is bullshit. Soul is an invented word. You have to separate invention and discovery in the first place. Theory of Gravity was a discovery that means Gravity was always there and Newton just noticed it or "discovered"...

Control emotions of others We often influence others by our gestures. Or it may be seen to handle others emotions by stimulating them. If there is any possibility of the emotions to have 'wave properties’. Is there any such possibility to control...

WHAT IS WEBHOSTING? Web hosting is a service which allows companies and individuals to have their own space on the internet. Web hosting companies, or web hosting service providers have their own servers that act as data centers. Customers can...

THINK POSITIVE The process of thinking is what differentiates man from animals. It is a wonderful faculty provided by God to human beings. Thoughts make the whole dignity of man. Every action beings with a thought. It is the quality of thinking...

Paper manufacturing and book printing marks the beginning of the knowledge revolution. The availability of paper allowed information and scientific knowledge to be written down and made accessible to a larger number of people, irrespective of caste...

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