Articles [General Reference]

  The issue of corruption dominates our minds today more than ever before simply because it saps the vitality of any system, be it a democracy or a dictatorship in a silent but a destructive manner. The fact that we hold a pathetically poor rank...

Something about Human Body According to many people and Yoga specialists Yoga plays a major role in slowing down the aging process. When we talk about the concept of reversing aging process it means that everything is done from the hormones. As...

Dr.Radhakrishnan, an Indian philosopher, in the prescribed peace "The World Community" emphasises the need for establishing a world government. Its great powers in the world must try to establish peace which is essential for the survival of the...

WHAT men Wants? I will tell you from the age of at the age 2 "TWO"-A guy (still a baby/kid) not able to talk or express his views but has got something running inside his head loves to see attractive women as shown in discovery a baby was showmen...

Homosexuality can either be seen as natural or unnatural activity. If you consider an intercourse just as a mean to reproduce, then homosexuality is certainly unnatural because a male/male or female/female intercourse would not lead to...

Human & Animal are souls. We are actually souls living in physical body. Souls (we) are made of metaphysical "Brahm". Every soul’s takes re-birth. But, very few according to their "Karmas" can remember their previous birth. There are lot of things...

  Nehru's "Freedom and Licence" was a speech delivered at the 'All Indian Newspaper Editors' conference held on December 3, 1950 in New Delhi. It was an informal address here Nehru instead on finding solutions to difficult and baffling...

The Guide as far as the ironic perspective is concerned achieves the supreme concentration of purpose. No episode is superfluous or understand to the others and all contibute to the singular theme of Raju's spiritual odysse. The sequence of...

If an underage girl were to be impregnated, should she risk her life and future procreation ability and give birth to the child or opt for an abortion? If a mother or both parents are unable to take care of a child, what options do they have? Who...

Let us consider some characteristics of time. Number one it is the same for all -24 hours a day, sixty minutes per hour sixty seconds per minute-no more any less. Number 2 it is free. You get time as a living being and for some years you are not...

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