Articles [General Reference]

60 seconds x 60 minute x 24 hours= 86,400 Suppose there was a bank that gave you Rupees 86,400 each morning and then cancelled whatever you failed to use. What would you do? It would be advisable to draw out every single paisa each day lest it go...

Little Shyam wandered about in the streets without any work. All his friends were in school. Shyam was not interested in school. He did not like to sit for hours in the class room. He did not like the teachers or the principal. There were so many...

Today, there is a rapid growth of road-commuters, as a result of increasing population, leading to road-congestion and traffic-blockage. At this stage, road ethics and proper road usage becomes all the more important. The foolowing points need to...

Idea [V] The PLAYER, a reality show, in which participants of an average age of 23 participate with one aim of winning Rs. 1 Crore prize money. This is the review of one of the episodes.   Inner circle - is a place where all participants are...

  There is another meaningless and distasteful ad war erupting between two Goliaths Hindustan Lever and Procter and Gamble involving two popular detergent brands Rin and Tide. While it is not common to see advertisements loaded with indirect and...

In a true helicopter in normal flight, the upward thrust of the revolving blades must be equal to the weight; forward motion is produced by inclining the effective axis of the rotor forward which normally entails tilting the nose of the helicopter...

Once a big fat Mouse and a lively little Mouse were hopping along together when they had the misfortune of jumping into a pail of fresh milk. They swam for hours and hours hoping to get out somehow; but the sides of the pail were steep and...

Your sun sign can predict a lot about your love life and romance. Sun sign can play a crucial role in guiding you in your approach in love life. There are a lot of questions which comes to our minds regarding romance and love life. Reading about...

Hypnotism can be called as a science of mind . A person knowing hypnotism can rule the mind of other by hypnotising the another person. The another person thinks, do things as ordered by person who has hypnotised him.The other person who has...

Engineers Engineers help in developing technologies that support life. All the bio medical instruments are designed by engineers and other technologies that help you keep connected, telecommunications, Information Technology, Web Technology the...

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